1. Submitted papers must be in both MS Word file .docx/doc (or Latex where applies) and PDF format. Font: “Times New Roman”. Length of paper must be a maximum of 8 pages. The papers should be prepared in the following order: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (when appropriate), References and Appendices (when appropriate). For more detail about writing and formatting style please click MPMC 2025
Attachment 1 download Attachment 2 download2. The submitted papers should be original. MPMC 2025 normally do not accept review papers, although the program committee rarely may make exceptions for rigorous and critical review on topical issues. All papers are cross-checked by using Turnitin plagiarism checker. The paper with similarity index above 20% will likely be rejected.
3. Please write your text in high quality English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).
4. The abstracts should be accompanied by the filled in REGISTRATION FORM
5. The affiliated institutions, including town/city and country, postal address, are to be listed directly below the names of the authors. Please place * pointer next to the name of the corresponding author. We encourage authors to include their ORCIDs in superscript next to their names. Authors who do not have ORCID can apply for an individual ORCID at www.orcid.org. E-mail addresses should start on a new line directly under the corresponding affiliation. We strongly recommend that all authors include their email addresses in their papers.
6. Before submissions, please check the visual display factors of all picture and equations: readability, crooked lines (distortion), fuzziness, diminishing, corrupted fonts ect. in word .doc and pdf files, and make sure that all details are clearly readable. Please ensure that all the figures, tables and visual materials have at least at 800 DPI resolution in both pdf and .doc format. Table and equation sequences must be in line. Text/image must be placed within the borders of the text area. Lettering in figures should not use font sizes smaller than 6 pt.
7. Papers presented at the conference will be given priority in publication process. Any author’s name can appear maximum in up to two papers only.