
About us

Chemical Technology Faculty

At present the faculty prepares bachelors in three specialties and masters on 7 specialties.

Undergraduate training:

Chemical engineering
ecology engineering

Masters training:

Technology of petrochemical synthesis ”
Chemical technology of polymers ”
Technology of processing of polymeric and composite materials ”
“Production technology of inorganic substances”
“Solid Waste Processing Technology”
Chemical engineering
ecology engineering

There are 4 chairs in the faculty:

"Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds" (Head of the Department - Professor FA Amirov)

“Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances” (Head of the Department - Prof. YN Kahramanly)

“Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology” (Head of the Department - dos. N.T Aliyeva

"Social Sciences" (Head of the Department - Prof. MM Mustafayev)


 1 academician, 13 professors, 64 associate professors, 18 senior teachers and assistants work at the Faculty of Chemical Technology. At present, 1012 students are trained in the Department of Chemical Technology and 5 in the correspondence department.

 In 2016, by the order of the rector of ADNSU a scientific research laboratory "New chemical materials and technologies" was established under the faculty. The laboratory is headed by Prof. Bagiev, Vagif Lachin oglu.

 The preparation of chemical engineers at ADNSU has been carried out in the Department of Chemistry since 1921 at the Faculty of Petroleum, from 1934 at the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and from 1940 at the Faculty of Chemical Technology. Since its inception, the faculty has trained about 18,000 chemical engineers and technologists for the oil refining and petrochemical industry. Since 1981, the faculty has been training foreign nationals. Over the past years, 332 undergraduates, 326 masters and 33 PhD candidates have been trained for 54 countries.

  Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology Mamedkhanova Sevinj Abdulhamid kizi

Mammadkhanova Sevinc Abduhamid kyzy was born on July 12, 1965 in Baku. In 1983 he graduated from high school No. 240 in Baku. In 2002, he started his career as a junior research assistant at the Catalysis Oil Refinery Laboratory at the Department of Technology of Oil, Gas Chemistry and Processing at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. Since 2003 he has been working as an assistant at the department "Oil processing and industrial technology of oil", since 2007 he is an assistant professor. Since 2016 she has been working as a professor in this department. He has been a member of the New Azerbaijan Party since 2003. Since 2010 he is a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. In 2010/2017 he served as Chairman of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. He has been a member of the Specialized Council of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences since 2015. He is the author of 72 scientific and educational-methodical works, 5 manuals and 4 textbooks.

There are 6 Tutors and 1 Computer Operator at the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

  1. Abbaslı Nemət Ələmdar oğlu
  2. Əhmədova Dinarə Vəlyəddin
  3. Məmmədova Gülcənnət Sakit qızı
  4. Əhmədova Cəmilə Rövşən
  5. Süleymanova Ülviyyə Namiq qızı
  6. Qurbanlı Süsən Zöhrab qızı
  7. Həsənova Fərqanə Çingiz qızı  
  8. Kompyuter opreatoru:  Mirhüseynov Qurban Qələm


Associate Professor64
Senior teacher and assistant18
Master's degree110

Chairs: 7 existing chairs have been united since February 2016:

«Chemical technology of inorganic substances»
«Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds»
Chairs "Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology" were established.
There is also the Department of Social Sciences at the faculty.

Our students also participated in the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Azerbaijan Institute of Food Security. FAB Paint LLC has a yearly and daily internship in Polymer Factory, Holtcim Company, Fortis Group LLC, Khirdalan Brick Plant, Non-ferrous Metals and Ferroalloys, Baku Steel Company, Azer Gold Company.