AzII e-Book House is an information centre that offers a rich and diverse collection of print and electronic information resources to support the academic, educational, and research programs of its readers, as well as the faculty, students and staff. Aiming to assist users in making the most of their leisure time effectively.
In 1920, it was formed on the basis of the Baku Polytechnicum, and since December 27, 2018, it has been continuing its activities under the name AzII e-Book House based on the foundation of ASOIU's Fundamental Library.
In the process of establishing AzII e-Book House, while drawing upon global experience, a unique library system exclusive to ASOIU has been created, and it operates solely under the AzII brand, integrated into the university's electronic network.
An Open Library operates under the supervision of AzII e-Book House.
1. Procurement and Systemization division
2. Operations and Services division
3. Electronic Resources division
Director of AzII e-Book House: Salahat Mahmudova,,
Phone: +(994 12) 498 75 64, (extension 5-89)
AzKİK - Azərbaycan Kitabxana İnformasiya Konsorsiumu (Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium).
BDU - Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Elmi kitabxanası-metodiki mərkəz (Scientific Library of Baku State University).
Azərbaycan Dillər Universitetinin və Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatlarının Azərbaycandakı Səfirliyinin Bakı Amerika Mərkəzi-kitabxanası (Library of Azerbaijan University of Languages and Baku America Center of the United States Embassy in Azerbaijan).
AMEA-nın akademik Y.H.Məmmədəliyev adına Neft-Kimya Prosesləri instİtutunun Elmi kitabxanası (Scientific Library of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Yusif Mammadaliyev at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences).
Socar Neftqazelmitədqiqatlayihə institutunun Elmi-texniki kitabxanası (Scientific-Technical Library of the Socar Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute).
Azərbaycan Milli Kitabxanası (National Library of Azerbaijan).
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Elmi Kitabxanası (Scientific Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences).
Azərbaycan Respublikası Əqli Mülkiyyət Agentliyinin respublika - elmi texniki kitabxanası və s. (Republican scientific and technical library of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan).