
Student Youth Organization

About us

The history of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University's (ASOIU) Student Youth Organization dates back to 2005. Since then, following the approval of action plans aimed at improving cooperation with young people and students in higher education institutions, and after obtaining legal status, student-youth organizations have been established in all state and non-state educational institutions, depending on the number of students. ASOIU's Student Youth Organization was established in 2005 as the Student Youth Organization of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (ASOA). On November 20, 2009, it became a part of the "Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union," joining 105 state and private higher education institutions' Student Youth Organizations. Through this membership, ASOIU student youth gained the right to participate in state-important forums, events, conferences, and parties organized by ASYOU.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University's Student Youth Organization management board comprises the Chairman, three Deputy Chairmen, and seven Faculty Chairmen.

The organization comprises the ASOIU Model United Nations (MUN), Engineering, Conversation, Patriotism, Culture, and Innovation clubs. These clubs provide ample opportunities for young people to develop essential skills such as representation, analytical thinking, research, and writing. They also foster language proficiency and bring together innovative young minds interested in startups and the implementation of their projects.

Contact us:

Chairman: Javanshir Abdullayev

E-mail: adnsu.tgt@gmail.com