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Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology

Department of Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology as a result of structural reforms at ADNSU in February 2016 on the basis of chairs "Technology of oil, gas chemistry and processing", "Engineering bases of chemical technology", "Technology of organic substances and industrial ecology" was created. Training of specialists in this department was carried out at the Faculty of Chemical Technology in the specialty "Technology of Petroleum", "Petrochemistry", "Chemistry of Oil, Gas and Processing Technology".

The academics such as R.H.Ismayilov, M.F. Nagiyev, A.M. Guliyev, M.I. Rustamov, A.M. Aliyev were graduated this department.

In different years, the department was headed by Academician R.I. Ismayilov, prof. L.A. Quxman, prof. K.Y. Adzhamov, prof. A.M. Trekubov, prof. C. M. Volox, prof. R.A. Lambambaranski, prof. M.Q.Mammadli, prof. I.A.Shikhiyev, prof. F.F. Mukanlinski, prof. N.A. Salimova, prof. R..I Zeynalov, prof. C.H. Ibrahimov, prof. S.A. Mustafayev. 

Əliyeva Nərminə Tərlan  qızı 13 avqust 1972-ci ildə  Bakı şəhərində anadan olmuşdur.

O, 1994-cü ildə Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft Akademiyasının Kimya-Texnologiya fakültəsinin “Yanacaq və karbonlu materialların kimyəvi texnologiyası” ixtisasını bitirmişdir. Həmin ildə ADNA-nın “Neft emalında kataliz”problem laboratoriyasına mühəndis vəzifəsinə qəbul edilmişdir. 2001-ci ildə həmin laboratoriyada əvvəlcə kiçik elmi işçi kimi çalışmış, 2007-ci ildən isə “Neftin, qazın kimyası və emalının texnologiyası” kafedrasının assistenti kimi pedoqoji fəaliyyətə başlamışdır.

2001-2005-ci illərdə 05.17.07 “Yanacağın kimyası və texnologiyası” ixtisası üzrə ADNA-nın aspiranturasında qiyabi təhsil almışdır.

Əliyeva Nərminə Tərlan qızı 21.09.2007-ci il tarixində “İkili butil spirtindən metiletilketonun alınması texnologiyasının işlənməsi” mövzusunda dissertasiya işini müdafiə etmiş və ona texnika elmləri namizədi alimlik dərəcəsi verilmişdir. 2008-ci ildən etibarən “Neftin, qazın kimyası və emalının texnologiyası” kafedrasında dosent vəzifəsində çalışır.

ADNA-da işlədiyi müddətdə N.T.Əliyeva özünü intizamlı, əməksevər, bacarıqlı mütəxəssis kimi göstərmişdir. O, kafedranın elmi, tədris metodiki işlərinin yerinə yetirilməsində fəal iştirak etmişdir. N.T.Əliyeva 24 elmi və tədrisi-metodiki vəsaitin namizədlik müdafiəsindən sonra 5 məqalə, 3 dərs vəsaiti, 1 tezis və 1 Azərbaycan Respublikası Patentinin müəllifidir.

The department trains bachelors in the following specialties: 050641 - "Chemical Engineering", 050649 - "Environmental Engineering"  and masters are trained in  060641 - Chemical Engineering and 060649 - Environmental Engineering.

The department carries out scientific work on the theme: "Development and optimal design of the process of rational use of processing gases" of H.Aliyev refinery (2016-2020).

For the first time in the history of the University, the department of ''Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology" has established partnership relations with a number of manufacturing companies. He has signed production contracts with a number of businesses to enhance the student's internship opportunities.

Agreements have been signed with the Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, SOCAR and Kazakhstan TOO International Oil Services Kazakhstan, and Azersu JSC is on the eve of signing a contract with the Institute of Chemistry of ANAS.

Students studying at the department have internships at major companies such as SOCAR and BP and work on graduation and master's thesis on the organization and implementation of various production processes at these facilities.

The chemical engineer at BP - Kenan Tagiyev, has taught on the subject "Environmental Impact Assessment" at the Department of "Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology".

Amin Mousavi Khanegah, PhD in nutrition at Campinas State University in Brazil, has conducted a number of faculties on academic writing and food security.

Currently 7 professors, 25 associate professors and 3 assistants are involved in the educational process.

The department has 6 teaching and 1 scientific research laboratory. There are 13 laboratory assistants. The department was established base chair at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS. At the department, 21 people continue their scientific work on philosophy and four PhD programs.

In 2019 staff of the department published 76 articles, 14 textbooks and manuals, 6 patents, 35 theses.

At the department the purchase of alternative fuels from Azerbaijan's fossil fuels, the efficient use of gases at refineries, the acquisition of natural oils from oil, the study of oil and gas chemical waste, chemical industry and apparatus, environmental and oil industry and optimal design. research is underway.

Professor of the department of "Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology"  Adjamov K.Y.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, honorable professor, honorary member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a true member of the International Academy of Ecology - Adjamov K.Y. is a scientist of basic kinetics. The main scientific activities of Adjamov K.Y. is combine the fields of kinetics and heterogeneous catalysis, chemistry of oil, gas and technology of their processing.

Professor K.Ajamov is a graduate of the Azerbaijan Petrochemical Institute. He has 48 years of scientific and pedagogical experience. He has been working as a professor since 1985. Dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, 1982-1987; 1989-2010 - Head of the Department of "Chemistry of Oil, Gas and Processing Technology". Since 2010 he is the Professor of the department of "Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology" at ASOIU. Since 1989 he is the head of the scientific research laboratory "Catalysis in oil refining" of the Scientific Research Institute of Oil, Gas, Geotechnical Problems and Chemistry.

Under the guidance of Professor K.Y.Azamov, 35 PhDs, 4 Doctor of Science and 5 Doctors of Sciences were prepared. He is the author of more than 500 scientific works, including 45 inventions and patents, and 28 books.