

Sevindj Mamedkhanova


Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology



Academic degree

doctor of chemical sciences



Date and place of birth

02.07.1965, Baku


In 1987, she graduated from the Chemical Technology Faculty of the Petrochemical Institute named after M. Azizbeyov with a degree in "Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis".
In 2003 she was received for   dissertation and in 2007 she defended her  thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences.
In 2014 she defended her doctoral thesis in Chemistry.
In 2015 he received a doctorate in chemistry.

Scientific degree

doctor  of chemical sciences, professor

Author of 90 scientific and educational-methodical works, 8 textbooks and 1 textbook.

Research area

Synthesis of synthetic oil acids, salts, nitrogen complexes, study of corrosion inhibitors, as fuel additives

The year of defended of phd, specialty code, name of specialty, title of the topic

"Kinetics and Catalysis", "Acetone removal from isopropyl alcohol in gas phase".

The year of defended of doctoral dissertation, specialty code, name of specialty, title of the topic

Specialty "Petrochemistry", "Synthesis of synthetic oil acids oxides, salts, nitrogen complexes, study of corrosion inhibitors, as additives to fuels"

Work experience

She is currently a professor at the Department of Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology.
Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

In 2002, she started her career as a junior research assistant at the Catalysis Oil Refinery Laboratory at the Department of Technology of Oil, Gas Chemistry and Processing at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy.
Since 2003 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of "Technology of oil, gas chemistry and processing"
She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Chemical Technology since 2010 and is the Chairman of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty. Since 2015 is a member of the Specialized Council of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Other activities

She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Chemical Technology since 2010 and is the Chairman of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty.

Awards, grants, patents

Grant. Conversion of petroleum hydrocarbons to synthetic oil acids with the presence of carbon-based catalysts modified by metals. Competition for Fundamental and Applied Science Research Projects (EIF / MQM / Science-Education-1-2016-1 (26)) of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, December 28, 2016

Staff training

number er of masters       8

Subjects taught

"Technology of oil refining", "Technology for oil processing"

Selected works

1. Prediction and Measurements of Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel C1018 Using Some Natural Naphthenate Surfactants in in CO2-Saturated NaCl Solution. Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute EPRI «The 17th International Conference on Petroleum, Mineral Resources & Development», 9-11 February, 2014, p.158

2. Adsorption and Corrosion Inhibitive Properties of Novel Surfactants in the Series of Fatty Acids Based on Palm Oil on Carbon Steel in CO2-containing Solution.International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 2014, 4(3), p.299-314

3. Массопередача при жидкостной экстракции в распылительной колонне.Международная научно-практическая конференция «Наука и образование», стр 156 Германия, 2017

4. Comporative inhibitory capacity of CO2- corrosion inhibitors on the base of sunflower and cottonseed oils International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017, p 548-551

5.  Search of the optimal conditions and constructions of kinetic model of the reaction esterification of allyl alcohol with natural oil in presence of ion-liguid catalyst.International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017, Impact Factor value:5.181,p 1196-1204

6. Processing of conditions of interaction 4-nitrobenzoic acid with ethane-1,2 diol to synthesis monoesters and obtaining on base of its propenyloksietil 4-nitrobenzoate mixed disters. American Scientific Journal, USA, №2(10), 2017, p.28-31

7. Синтез и изучение свойств производных  пропаргилового эфира нефтяных кислот. Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия, Москва, № 8,2017,с26-27

8. Использование активированного угля для деароматизации дизельных фракций под воздействием магнитного поля. Нефте переработка нефтехимия, Москва, 2017, №5, с.42-47

9. Синтез сложного непредельного гликолевого эфира на основе моноэфира природной нефтяной кислоты с использованием ионно-жидкостного катализатора.Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия, Москва, №11, с.28-31

10. Maye karbohidrogen qazlarının istehsal prosesləri və avadanlıqları. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti. Bakı 2017

11. Qaz xammalları əsasında üzvi maddələrin kimyası və texnologiyası. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti təsdiq etmişdir əmr № 01-1/28. 2017

12.  Yapışqan kompozisiyası. İlkin ekspertizanın müsbət rəyi alınmışdır. a20170036. 2017

13. Mass Transfer while liquid extraction in the spray column. Science and Education. Materials of the XV International research and practice conference. Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg Munich-Germany 2017 April 11-12. Səh.48-59

14.  Neftin destruktiv emal texnologiyası prosesləri. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, Bakı 2019. Dərslik.

15.  Термодинамический анализ реакций превращения н-бутилена и вторичного бутилового спирта в метилэтилкетон. Проблемы современной науки и образования. Российская Федерация, № 12(145) 2019, стр. 16

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