
Sustainability Committee

Ulviyya Abbasova

Associate Professor, Deputy vice-rector for International Relations, ASOIU’s responsible person for QS

Date of birth:



In 2000, she graduated from the Bachelor degree of Translation Faculty(Linguist translator) of the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

In 2002 she graduated from the Master degree of Translation Faculty (Linguist translator) of Azerbaijan University of Languages

Scientific degree:

Associate professor

Research area:

PhD In Philology

The year of defended of phd:


Work experience

She is currently a Deputy Vice-rector for International Affairs and Senior Lecturer at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. She is responsible person for QS World Rankings at ASOIU. It is a top priority to take strategic initiatives to optimize the university’s global ranking and strengthen its position in the competitive environment.

In 2003, she started her career as a lecturer of the department of translation at Azerbaijan university of languages.

Ulviyya Abbasova worked as a Head of Azerbaijani Multiculturalism Department at Baku Slavic University. During this she represented Baku Slavic University in China as part of the “One Road One Belt”initiative, contributing to international collaboration and showcasing the university’s capabilities on a global platform.

She is an active participant of the Eramus+ Projects. She engaged as both a project participant and staff member in various Erasmus+ initiatives, contributing expertise and faciliating successful project outcomes.

Other activities

Ulviyya Abbasova is a supervisor of APTIS and IELTS exams at ASOIU. She leads efforts to enhance English language proficiency among ASOIU’s educators and students, emphasizing preparation for APTIS and IELTS.