

Sakit Samedov




Senior Lecturer

Academic degree

PhD in Economics



Date of birth: 05.04.1981


In 2003, he graduated from the bachelor’s degree of Economic engineering of the Dokuz Eylul University.

In 2006, he graduated from the master’s degree of Business Development and Management of the Dokuz Eylul University.

From 2006 to 2012, he continued his doctoral studies at Dokuz Eylul University.

He defended his doctorate in 2012 on the topic ‘The impact of branding process and company culture in a developing economy’.

Scientific degree: Associate professor 

Research area: PhD In Economic Management

The year of defended of PhD: 2012

Work experience

Sakit Samadov is a currently Advisor to Rector for Cooperation with Alumni and Collaboration with Industry at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

Also he is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Destec Group (from 2017 to now), Chairman of the Supervisory Board Nigar Agriculture/Hijaz Space (from 2019 to now) and Consultant at Alesta Trade Domestic and Domestic Trade Co.,Ltd. (from 2018 to now) 

Other activities

Sakit Samadov is a member of the management commission of ASK (Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs).


  • Important recommendations for companies in crisis
  • The world economy 3 years later
  • The role of communication and other influencing factors in crisis management
  • This crisis can turn Azerbaijan's economy into the strongest industrialized economy in the region.


  • Mentor talks to manage the business one hundred and one
  • Marsol | Ways to succeed in business
  • MMF2017 | Systematization of companies
  • DMC2017 | Systematization of marketing tools