ASOIU is a partner of the scientific research project "CAMPAIGNers" (Citizens Acting on Mitigation Pathways through Active Implementation of a Goalsetting Network, European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement No 101003815 1 ), which is funded by the European Commission.
This project aims to be the mechanism for citizen-driven change in a way that is fully immersed in behavioural research and integrated with local, national and EU level policy goals. The two higher-order objectives of Climate Campaigners are: 1. providing the best possible and highly impactful scientific support to designing mitigation pathways and policies and 2. creating immediate engagement of citizens in climate actions and supporting them in adopting a more climate-friendly lifestyle.
CAMPAIGNers builds on previous consortium-led projects that substantially improved the understanding of societal structures and interventions that encourage lifestyle shifts, and identified limitations to the existing evidence-base. Namely, current lifestyle transformation research is either limited to narrow, specific contexts or groups, or deals in hypothetical behaviours where most citizens do not have real experiences to draw on. CAMPAIGNers’ ground-breaking approach overcomes these drawbacks by implementing a ‘goal-setting network’, where over 100,000 citizens receive and create challenges (#LifestyleChallenges) to try out which are tailored adaptations to their daily routines via an engaging app. Their responses to these #LifestyleChallenges, associated treatments, and short questionnaires will deliver unprecedented data of behavioural processes, (local) barriers to change, and motivators, allowing for empirically based scientific support of cities in crafting policies to encourage low-carbon lifestyles. Together with the insights collected from local, national and EU policy makers the ‘right-level-to-act’ and policy ready recommendations are jointly derived.