
Chemical Technology


Chemical engineering is a distinct branch of engineering that involves the study, design, production, and manufacture of products using chemical processes. Using principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, mechanics, and economics, chemical engineers design equipment, processes, and systems to convert raw materials into useful products through chemical production. This includes designing and troubleshooting processes for chemicals, fuels, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Chemical engineers work to change the chemical, biochemical or physical state of a substance to create everything starting from building materials to fuels and polymers. Meanwhile, products and processes are improved for maximum productivity, lower costs, and higher quality. Chemical engineers also design and operate equipment, provide safety assessments, and perform such functions as process design, modeling, analysis, engineering chemical reaction control, working with specifications, and writing operating instructions. Chemical engineers work with nanomaterials in the laboratory and develop large-scale industrial production systems.
The Degree Program in Chemical Engineering takes four years and leads to a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. The Bachelor’s degree requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits. In the general studies, the student acquires mathematical and scientific skills that are required in the compulsory and elective subject studies. The general studies include mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science modules. English Composition and Social Science studies include English language and communication modules, social modules and economic modules. In the compulsory and elective studies, the student deepens his knowledge within the wide-ranged field of chemical engineering. The compulsory studies include a bachelor’s thesis, practical training and modules that form a basis for Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. The elective studies include the modules which students of the Bachelor’s degree program may choose.

Objectives of the degree program

The objectives of the undergraduate Chemical Engineering program are:
- an acquiring a successful career in a variety of chemical engineering-related fields, especially in the field of chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries;
- an acquiring a successful career leadership role in industry/organizations;
- a demonstration of high level of professionalism, commitment to ethical and social responsibility and a desire to life-long learning;
- a demonstration of innovative solutions for industry through creative thinking, to pursue an advanced degree and career in engineering, academic, research or business.

Learning outcomes of the degree program

The degree program intends to prepare students and graduate them with a number of abilities and skills. Learning outcomes are presented below.
Learning outcomes of the Bachelor program include development of:
- Ability to solve complex issues and tasks by using the principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering.
- Ability to execute, coordinate, implement, substantiate laboratory processes while carrying out the experiments and to obtain and extract chemical compounds using standard methods and syntheses.
- Ability to use the basics of mathematics, algorithmic principles and methods of computer engineering in the modeling, to design of chemical engineering systems, analyze and interpret data using statistical methods.
- Ability to use the techniques, materials, skills and modern engineering tools which are used in engineering and to carry out industrial and chemical processes, control them and to apply chemical engineering principles at designing of these processes.
- Ability to choose and use existing technologies, materials while undertaking project tasks and solving these issues in chemical engineering and ability to eliminate malfunctions that may occur in industrial and chemical processes or in laboratory equipment.
- Ability to design systems, components, units and processes that meet the requirements, taking into account natural limitations such as economics, ecology, security and social aspects.
- Ability to use the language skills to exchange and obtain some knowledge gained from the foreign sources.
- Ability to analyze the problem, to identify the basic requirements, to justify the idea and critically evaluate the results and to compare them.
- Ability to understand professional, ethical, legal and security issues and the responsibilities characteristic for engineering.
- Ability to work productively in multidisciplinary groups, especially in projects requiring engineering skills and to carry out all work in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, standards, methods and guidelines.



Students course evaluation results minutes of the meeting No1.pdf

Students Evaluated Teachers of Chemical Engineering BA Program for Spring Semester 2023.pdf