

Zarifa Afandiyeva


Geology and development of mineral deposits


Dosent, Head of the Department

Academic degree

Candidate of technical sciences, PhD



University graduated: Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named after 

M. Azizbeyov.


Research area: Development of ore and non-ore deposits 


Rock Physics, Blasting of rocks, Fundamentals of Mining, Open pit mining technology, Methods of exploration of mineral deposits , Fundamentals of geodesy, Geometrization and surveying of mining deposits

List of awards and certificates:

In 2010, Order of Honour by decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education; 

In 2018, “Mountain Glory” badge of the II degree by the decision of the Supreme Mining Council of Russia;

In 2020, “Progress” medal for merits in the development of education in Azerbaijan;

In 2020, the jubilee medal, “100th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University”.

Featured Articles:

  1. Cadastre of rocks of mineral deposits of Azerbaijan, Mining journal № 2, Moscow. 2005 p. 89.
  2. Bentonites of Azerbaijan. Mountain Journal. No. 4 Moscow. 2007. p.15-17
  3. Possible areas of using bentonite clays in the fields of Azerbaijan. Mining Journal № 10. Moscow 2007. p. 90-92.
  4. Perspectives of utilisation of oil shales of Azerbaijan. Mining journal № 10, Moscow. 2020 pp.110-114.
  5. Bituminous deposits of Azerbaijan. Mining journal № 10, Moscow. 2021 pp.110-114
  6. The main areas of the use of bentonite clay deposits of Azerbaijan. Bulletin of Tula State University Earth sciences, V2. Publishing house of Tula State University.Tula, 2022 pp. 207-222 (co-authors Valiev N.G., Aliyeva M.G., Lebzin M.S).
  7. Prospects of Dashkasan iron ore deposit development.  Bulletin of Ural State Mining University. Ekaterinburg. 2022. V.1 (65) pp.7-12
  8. Investigation of low-quality bentonite clays of Azerbaijan for production of expanded clay. Bulletin of Tula State University Earth sciences, Issue 3. Publishing house of Tula State University.Tula 2022 pp.77-93 (co-authors Valiev N.G., Osmanli).
  9. State of mineral raw materials base in the region of Karabakh, Azerbaijan and prospects of its development. Bulletin of Ural State Mining University. Ekaterinburg.2022. V3 pp.14-20 (co-authors Valiev N.G., Osmanli T.R).
  10. New data on genesis of Gyumushlug lead-zinc place of birth in Nakhchivan AR of Azerbaijan. Bulletin of Tula State University Earth sciences. Issue 2. pp 92-120, Publishing House of Tula State University.Tula 2023 (co-authors Khalifazade Ch.M., Valiev N.G.).
  11. The scientific basis for the identification of rocks by their physical properties. Mining Journal № 6. Moscow. 2005.S. 15-17.
  12. Characterization of the deposits and physical properties of the facing stones of the deposits of Azerbaijan. Mining Journal №. 8. Moscow. 2005 p. 46-47
  13. Mineral resources base of the mining industry of Azerbaijan in the Greater Caucasus region. Mining Journal №12. Moscow. 2006. from 5-8.
  14. Strengthening quarry slopes with clay interlayers based on the regulation of their physical properties. Mining Journal №1 Moscow. 2,007. c. 38-39.
  15. Industrial testing stone-cutting machine “Prima” in a quarry for the extraction of piece stone. Mining Journal №. 2 Moscow. 2011 p. 66-67
  16. Jewelry and ornamental stones of Azerbaijan. Mining Journal. № 8 Moscow 2011 p. 73-77
  17. Re-development of the Gadabey gold-pyrite deposit by open pit mining. Mining Journal№4 Moscow. 2012 p. 36-37 (co-authors Osmanov M.B.)
  18. The study of the means of hardening of unstable rock quarries. Mining Journal № 9 Moscow. 2015 p. 41-42
  19. Selection of optimal development systems for “Gosha” gold deposit in the republic of Azerbaijan. News of the Ural State Mining University. Vol  № 2, Yekaterinburg, 2016. p.54-58 (соавторы  Османов М.Б) 
  20. The state of the raw material base of ferrous metallurgy in Azerbaijan and the prospects for its development. Mining Journal №10. Moscow 2017 p. 57-62
  21. Economical-ecological aspects of complex use of aluminum raw material in Azerbaijan.         International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) India. 2017. Vol. 5 (11).p 421-425.
  22. Rational use of natural resources of Azerbaijan. Non-ferrous metals № 1. Moscow. 2018 p. 57-62
  23. Economic and environmental problems of the development of ore deposits in Azerbaijan. Physical and technical problems of the development of minerals FTPRPI, №1, 2018 p.186–192 (co-authors Khalifazade C.M)
  24. Non-metallic minerals of Azerbaijan. Mining Journal № 3 Moscow. 2018 c. 86-90
  25. Economic problems and enviromental      challenges in ore mining in Azerbaijan. «Journal of mining science» Vol. 54, № 1 2018. p.166-172 (coauthor Khalifazade Ch.M)
  26. Using cluster analysis to classify rocks of Azerbaijan’s mineral deposits by their physical and technical properties. News of the Ural State Mining University Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg 2019. Issue 4 (56) p. 34-38
  27. Metallic minerals of Azerbaijan. Mountain Journal № 1 Moscow. 2019.S. 85-89
  28. Possıbılıty of complex use of bentonıte clays and modelıng of research processes. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 2023 32 (2) 233-240  (coauthor Aliyeva M.H.Gamashayeva M.J)

Copyright certificates and patents:

  1. Grouting solution for hardening rocks AS. USSR No. 1573190 E 21 D 21/00, 1990
  2. Grouting solution for regulating the mechanical and rheological properties of rocks. AS. USSR No. 1553706 E 21 D 21/00, 1990. (co-authors Khasaev A.M., Mukhtarov G.G.)
  3. A method of reducing stress in the rock mass around the production of AS. USSR .№1818476 Е 21 D / 100, 1992. (co-authors A. Khasaev, A. Azizov)
  4. A method of warning landslides in quarries. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2030108 (co-authors Khasaev A.M. Azizov A.M.)
  5. A method of reducing stress in the rock mass around the production of AS. USSR No. 1818476 E 21 D / 100, 1992. (co-authors Khasaev A.M., Azizov A.M.)
  6. Methods of processing natural rocks Patent No. I 20000219. 2000. (co-authors Khasaev A.M., Azizov A.M., Muradov R.B) 
  7. Methods of underground mining of rock salt Inventions No. 97/000973 ЕВВ 43/28. 2001. (co-author Mukhtarov H.H.)
  8. The method of strengthening unstable landslide-inclined rock masses of the Invention No. 2 E02 D 3/12 01.04. 2003. (co-author Mukhtarov H.H.)

134 articles, 10 theses, 7 textbooks, 6 textbooks, 5 monographs, 8 patents