

Khuraman Mukhtarova


Oil and gas geology


Head of the Department

Academic degree




Graduated University:  Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (now Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry) 


The international projects and grands

Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Complex scientific research program projects competition EIF-KETPL-2015-1(25) "Study of isotopic composition of oil and chromato-mass spectrometric method of oil generation for the purpose of identification of geochemical indicators"

EIF-KETPL-2-2015-1(25)-56/28/2-M-07; 01.01.2016 – 01.01.2018

Direction of scientific research: Tectonic factor of formation of oil and gas deposits in non-anticlinal traps, Prospects of oil and gas deposits formed in non-anticlinal traps, Temperature conditions of oil and gas evaluation, Geochemical modeling of mud volcanoes, Petrophysical modeling

Teaching subjects

Contemporary problems of geological engineering, Fundamentals of oil and gas geology, History and methodology of oil and gas geology 

List of awards and certificates:

100th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 224, Republic of Azerbaijan

Order No. K-438 dated May 8, 2021 of the Minister of Education.

Titles of articles, etc.:

  1. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J. Evaluation of oil and gas content of local uplifts in the North Absheron zone based on petrophysical parameters (local uplifts Goshadash-Agburun-deniz-Darwin kyupesi-Gyurgyan-deniz as an example). News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Georesources Engineering. 2021, T 332, 7 (July), p. 7-19;
  2. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J., İsmailova M.M. Oil and gas potential prospects and study of reservoir properties of Cretaceous sediments (MS) of the Yevlakh-Agjabedi trough. “Bulletin” of the Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko. “Geology”, 2021, 4 (95), p. 40-45;
  3. Mukhtarova Kh.Z. The role of studying tectonic factors in reducing the risks of ineffective exploration and exploration and determining oil and gas perspectivity southern part of Absheron archipelago. “Reliability: Theory and Applications”  (RT&A), Special Issue № 3 (66), Volume 17, January 2022, p. 133-137;
  4. Gurbanov  V.Sh., Narimanov  N.R., Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Narimanov R.N., Huseynova Sh.M. Qualitative assessment of compressional stresses within the South Caspian megadepression and their impact upon structure formation and hydrocarbon generation. ANAS TRANSACTIONS EARTH SCIENCES Geology and Geophyics Institute.  №2, 2021, p. 39-49;
  5. Mukhtarova Kh.Z. The influence of geotectonic processes on the geological development and oil and gas content of the South Caspian Basin (on the example of some structures of the Baku archipelago). Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields, 9 (357), 2021, p. 14-21;
  6. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J. The mechanism of formation and prospects of non-structural traps in the South Caspian megadepression. Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 2022, 31 (3), 529-538;
  7. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J., Ganbarova Sh.A., Zeynalova S.A., İsmailova M.M.  The influence of compressive stresses on folding in the Middle Kura depression and the Turkmen shelf. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 2023, 32 (2), p.352-359;
  8. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J. Geodynamic regime and prospects for oil and gas potential in the South Caspian Basin. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, Vol 32, 3, 2023, p.550-559;
  9. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J. Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the sedimentary strata of the South Caspian Basin according to paleotectonic and geodynamic criteria. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 2023, 32 (1), p. 153-163; 
  10.  Mukhtarova Kh.Z. The role of structural-tectonic factors in the formation of non-anticlinal traps and their impact on oil and gas prospects. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 2023, 9, p. 8-14.

152 - articles, theses, textbooks, teaching aids and methodological instructions.

ORCİD: https://org/0000-0002-9710-3940

SCOPUS ID: 57210133179

Web of Science Researcher ID: ABE-8019-2021

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khuraman-Mukhtarova

Google Scholor: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=k07fBGIAAAAJ&hl=ru