

Gultar Nasibova


Oil and gas geology


Associate Professor

Academic degree

Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences



Graduated from:  Azerbaijan State Oil Academy 


  • gultar.nasibova@asoiu.edu.az 
  • gultar.nasibova18@gmail.com
  • https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-9456-1391

Direction of scientific research: Structural-tectonic factor of oil and gas field prospecting, Geodynamic conditions of assessment of oil and gas prospects, Temperature conditions of oil and gas evaluation, Geochemical modeling of mud volcanoes, Petrophysical modeling

Teaching subjects: 

Struktural geology and geological mapping, Fundamentals of geodynamics, Geodynamic environments of oil and gas bearing basins, List of awards and certificates: 

Titles of articles, etc.:

  1. Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Nasibova G.J. Evaluation of oil and gas content of local uplifts in the North Absheron zone based on petrophysical parameters (local uplifts Goshadash-Agburun-deniz-Darwin kyupesi-Gyurgyan-deniz as an example). Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов. 2021, Т 332, № 7 (июль), 7-19;
  2. Мухтарова Х.З., Насибова Г.Дж., Исмаилова М.М. Перспективы нефтегазоносности и изучение коллекторских свойств Меловых отложений (Мз) Евлах-Агджабединского прогиба. “Вестник” Киевского национального университета имени Т. Шевченко. “Геология” 2021, 4 (95), 40-45;
  3. Nasibova G.J. İmpact of compressional stresses within the South Caspian megadepression  upion evolution and oil and gas content of local uplifts. “Вестник” Киевскогонационального университета имениТ. Шевченко. “Геология”, 3 (94) 2021, 37-46;
  4. Gurbanov  V.Sh., Narimanov  N.R., Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Narimanov R.N., Huseynova Sh.M. Qualitative assessment of compressional stresses within the South Caspian megadepression and their impact upon structure formation and hydrocarbon generation. ANAS TRANSACTIONS EARTH SCIENCES Geology and Geophyics Institute.  2021, 2, p. 39-49;
  5. Nasibova G.J. Oil and gas perspectives of the Umid structure in connection with its history of geological development. Tбилиси, III Евразийская конференция “Инновации в минимизации природных и техногенных рисков”, 5-6 октября 2021, Журн.: “Reliability: Theory and Applications”  (RT&A), Special Issue № 3 (66) Volume 17, January 2022с. 133-137.
  6. Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z.The mechanism of formation and prospects of non-structural traps in the South Caspian megadepression. Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 2022, 31(3), 529-538;
  7. Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z., Ganbarova Sh.A., Zeynalova S.A., İsmailova M.M.  The influence of compressive stresses on folding in the Middle Kura depression and the Turkmen shelf. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 2023, 32 (2), p.352-359;
  8. Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z. Geodynamic regime and prospects for oil and gas potential in the South Caspian Basin. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, Vol 32, 3, 2023, p.550-559;
  9. Nasibova G.J., Mukhtarova Kh.Z. Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the sedimentary strata of the South Caspian Basin according to paleotectonic and geodynamic criteria. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 2023, 32 (1), 153-163; 
  10.  Kagramanov K.F., Nasibova G.J., Babaeva M.T. Mud volcanoes and their role in assessing the oil and gas potential of a sedimentary basin. Geology, Geophysics and development of oil and gas fields. Moscow VNIIOENG. 2023.2 (374) pp. 66-73. 

30  article and thesis.

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57217975850

Google Scholor: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b-O1zfgAAAAJ&hl=tr 

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gultar-Nasibova