Professional education: Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry
Area of research: Kinematic interpretation of seismic data, Seismic inversion, Attribute analysis, Complex interpretation of well and seismic data
Lectures/ Courses:
Seismic exploration, Processing and interpretation of seismic data, Methods and technology of seismic exploration
Awards and Certifications:
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
100th annual Medal of Azerbaijan state oil and Industry University
- Research of Cross-borehole Section Based on Seismic and Well-logging Data using the “AZERI” Software Package to Determine the Well-placement
- Method of determining the location of the pinch point using seismic survey in some areas of the Absheron peninsula
- Oil and gas perspectives of pliocene-miocene in South-East of Absheron Peninsula based on latest 3D data
- Study of velocity characteristics of section based on data acquired by seismic technique of Parametric Deconvolution of Reflection
- Method vertical seismic profiling and evaluation of producibility of Miocene deposits in Hovsan oilfield
- Форма сейсм. горизонта на временном разрезе и годографа общей точки взрыва отраженной волны в переходной зоне для случая, когда покрывающая целевой горизонт среда осложнена нарушением
- 3D seismic survey data processing and interpretation by use of latest tools applied for discovery of new traps in Pleistocene deposits of Hovsan field
- Refinement of the depths of the target horizons below the bottom of the wells according to the data of vertical seismic profiling
- Clarification of the Structure of the East Hovsan Area by a New Method o...
- Refinement of the Structure of the Eastern Govsan Area Using a New Metho...
- Detailing the target interval of the section by increasing the resolution of the data using the optimal parameters of reverse filtration in the Kurovdag and Hovsany areas of Azerbaijan
- Improving the information content of seismic data and increasing the depth of investigation by choosing the optimal length of the amplitude adjustment operator
- Детальное изучение скоростного разреза комплексированием сейсмических данных однократного и многократного профилирования
- Prediction of petrophysical characteristics of deposits in Kurovdagh field by use of attribute analysis of 3D data
- Identification and tracking of seismic waves related to breaks in sedimentation by use of frequency filtration
- Проектирование объединенного куба сейсмических данных, полученных в районах со сложным рельефом с использованием различных типов сейсмических источников Опубликовано онлайн: 10 августа 2023 года DOI:
- Detailed study of geology of the lower parts of Pliocene in Kurovdagh area by use of 3D seismic survey
- Detailed structure of the Zardob-Shikhbagi area according to 3D seismic data
In addition, articles and books:
Seysmik kəşfiyyatla dizyunktiv dislokasiyaların tədqiqi (monoqrafiya, 2003)
Tətbiqi seysmika (monoqrafiya, 2017)
Seysmik kəşfiyyat (1-ci cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2005)
Seysmik kəşfiyyat (2-ci cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2007)
Seysmik kəşfiyyat (3-cü cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2011)
Seysmik kəşfiyyatdan laboratoriya işləri (metodik vəsait, 2016)
Tətbiqi və nəzəri geologiyanın qısa kursu cild I və II (metodik vəsait, 2022)
Registration link on platforms. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_20) (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_5) 202341101050 PDF (4,810 МБ) 202341101050