

Tofig Akhmedov




prof. Department of

Academic degree

Doctor of Geology and Mathematics



Professional education: Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry


Area of research: Kinematic interpretation of seismic data, Seismic inversion, Attribute analysis, Complex interpretation of well and seismic data

Lectures/ Courses:

Seismic exploration, Processing and interpretation of seismic data, Methods and technology of seismic exploration

Awards and Certifications:

Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

100th annual Medal of Azerbaijan state oil and Industry University


  1. Research of Cross-borehole Section Based on Seismic and Well-logging Data using the “AZERI” Software Package to Determine the Well-placement 
  2. Method of determining the location of the pinch point using seismic survey in some areas of the Absheron peninsula
  3. Oil and gas perspectives of pliocene-miocene in South-East of Absheron Peninsula based on latest 3D data
  4. Study of velocity characteristics of section based on data acquired by seismic technique of Parametric Deconvolution of Reflection
  5. Method vertical seismic profiling and evaluation of producibility of Miocene deposits in Hovsan oilfield
  6. Форма сейсм. горизонта на временном разрезе и годографа общей точки взрыва отраженной волны в переходной зоне для случая, когда покрывающая целевой горизонт среда осложнена нарушением 
  7. 3D seismic survey data processing and interpretation by use of latest tools applied for discovery of new traps in Pleistocene deposits of Hovsan field
  8. Refinement of the depths of the target horizons below the bottom of the wells according to the data of vertical seismic profiling
  9. Clarification of the Structure of the East Hovsan Area by a New Method o... 
  10. Refinement of the Structure of the Eastern Govsan Area Using a New Metho... 
  11. Detailing the target interval of the section by increasing the resolution of the data using the optimal parameters of reverse filtration in the Kurovdag and Hovsany areas of Azerbaijan
  12. Improving the information content of seismic data and increasing the depth of investigation by choosing the optimal length of the amplitude adjustment operator
  13. Детальное изучение скоростного разреза комплексированием сейсмических данных однократного и многократного профилирования
  14. Prediction of petrophysical characteristics of deposits in Kurovdagh field by use of attribute analysis of 3D data
  15. Identification and tracking of seismic waves related to breaks in sedimentation by use of frequency filtration
  16. Проектирование объединенного куба сейсмических данных, полученных в районах со сложным рельефом с использованием различных типов сейсмических источников Опубликовано онлайн: 10 августа 2023 года DOI: 
  17. Detailed study of geology of the lower parts of Pliocene in Kurovdagh area by use of 3D seismic survey
  18. Detailed structure of the Zardob-Shikhbagi area according to 3D seismic data

In addition, articles and books:  

Seysmik kəşfiyyatla dizyunktiv dislokasiyaların tədqiqi (monoqrafiya, 2003)

Tətbiqi seysmika (monoqrafiya, 2017)

Seysmik kəşfiyyat (1-ci cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2005)

Seysmik kəşfiyyat (2-ci cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2007)

Seysmik kəşfiyyat (3-cü cild) (dərs vəsaiti, 2011)

Seysmik kəşfiyyatdan laboratoriya işləri (metodik vəsait, 2016)

Tətbiqi və nəzəri geologiyanın qısa kursu cild I və II (metodik vəsait, 2022) 

Registration link on platforms. 






https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_20 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_20)

https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_5 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72910-3_5)

https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/ 202341101050   PDF (4,810 МБ)





https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/ 202341101050