

Afet Samedzadeh




PhD student of the Department of Geophysics



Professional education: Baku State University (BSU), Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (ASOIU)


Title of international projects and grants worked on:

1. Grant agreement: In 2019 participated in the project "Modelling of flow zones in Azerbaijani hydrocarbon fields and inter reservoirs as well as oil bearing formations" funded by the Foundation for the Development of Science.

Area of research: Well Logging, Integrated interpretation of field geophysical data, Assessment of reservoir quality in oil and gas fields, Modelling based on geological and geophysical data, Research of petrophysical properties of rocks. 

Lectures/ Courses:

Petrophysics, Fundamentals of geophysics, Geophysical ecology, Methods of well technical condition research, Integrated geophysical data interpretation

Awards and Certifications

Netcad -"Mining applications & ore modeling and quarry (underground-above) design" training program, 2022

ASPU - Tutor (Academic Advisor), 2020

Schlumberger - Petrel Geology, Petrel Fundamentals, PetroMod Fundamentals, 2020

How to publish scientific article - Researcher Academy On Campus (SCOPUS), 2020

Institute of Education -"Data mining, collection, processing and management", 2020

Web of Science Group, A Clarivate Analytics Company, 2020

"Practical guidelines for publication in international journals

"Web of Scince Group resources for scientists and journals"

"Web of Science: Navigation system in the world of scientific publications"

"Fundamentals of checks for borrowings in the Antiplagiat system, 2020

How to organize the verification of student papers for borrowing

Methodology for the correct use of the Antiplagiat system in universities

Schlumberger" career course, 2020

Certificate participated in Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists and EAGE LC Azerbaijan together with Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University organize the International Student and Young Researches Conference on “ Perfect Education  – the Key to Success in Oil Production, 2018

Certificate for participating in the International Forum – Contest of Young Researches “ Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources ”, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2017

Certification Program on Thomson Reuters information resources for scientific research, 2016

Certificate of honor for active participation in the XIV Republican Scientific Conference Master students dedicated to the 91-st of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan people, 2014


  1. Оценка качества коллекторов по некоторым месторождениям Бакинского архипелага, SOCAR Proceedings,Bakı No.1 (2023) 013-018 Səh.13-18, DOI: 10.5510/OGP20230100799, https://proceedings.socar.az/az/journal/90
  2. Facial composition of the deposits of the productive strata based on qualitative interpretation of the log data,Kerimova,K.A., Samadzadeh,A.A. Геофизический журнал No 5, Т.45 2023, p.62-70, DOI:https://doi.org/10.24028/gj.v45i5.289107
  3. Петрофизические основы количественной оценки качества коллекторов на примере некоторых месторождений ЮК, Azərbaycanda Geofizika yenilikəri jurnalı,3/2023.Bakı, səh.79-84, ISNN:1994-8573,http://www.amgk.az/#jurnal
  4. Влияние извилистости на ФЕС пород коллекторов, Технические и технологические системы : материалы XIV Международной научной конференции «ТТС-23» (22–24 ноября 2023 года),ISBN 978-5-91718-749-5,http://id-yug.com/index.php/ru/tts-menu/tts-arxiv-nomerov
  5. Трехмерные петрофизические модели по качественным характеристикам и фильтрационным способностям пластов-коллекторов (на примере месторождения Сангачал-Дуванный-Хара-Зиря адасы), Azərbaycan Neft Təsərrüfatı jurnalı, Bakı 09.2022, ISSN 0365-8554
  6. Моделирование геофлюидальных давлений по данным электрометрии, İsgəndərov, M.M., Paşayev, N.V., Səmədzadə, A.Ə., Bağırzadə, N.Z., Azərbaycan Neft Təsərrüfatı jurnalı,Bakı 08.2021, ISSN 0365-8554
  7. Влияние вещественного состава пород на показатели качества коллекторов нефти и газа, Əliyarov, R.Y., Səmədzadə, A.Ə., ASPG,  Third International Conference on Geology of the Caspian Sea and Adjacent Areas, Baku, Oct 2019
  8. The geological structure and the analysis of the regularity of the change in the reservoir properties of the Neft Dashları deposit, Sultanov, L.A., Nərimanov, N.R., Səmədzadə, A.Ə. “EUREKA: Physics and Engineering” jurnalı,Estonia 01.2019
  9. Совершенствование метода оценки проницаемости горных пород-коллекторов при- родных резервуаров нефти и газа, Əliyarov, R.Y., Ramazanov, R.A., Səmədzadə, A.Ə., “Нефтепромысловое Дело” jurnalı, Moskva, 5.2018, ISSN 0207-2351
  10. Recognition of fluid flow zones in oil reservoirs by log methods, Əliyarov, R.Y., Həsənov, Ə.B., Aslanzadə, F.B., Səmədzadə, A.Ə., Scientific bulletin of the Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists, Azerbaijan Geologist,Baku, 22.2018,ISSN 2410-4264
  11. Некоторые результаты литолого-фациального анализа терригенных отложений продуктивной толщи в зоне поднятий Сангачал-Дуванны_Хара-Зира адасы, İsgəndərov, M.M., Əbuzərova, A.Q., Kəzimov, R.R., Səmədzadə, A.Ə., Azərbaycan Neft Təsərrüfatı jurnalı,  Bakı 09.2017,ISSN 0365-8554

22 publications, 14 articles and 8 conference papers

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pcyyUlUAAAAJ&hl=ru

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Afet-Samadzadeh

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/afet-samadzadeh-66b59514a/