
About us

General and Applied Mathematics

At our university, the higher mathematics department was established in 1921. On the opening day (January 2, 1921) of the University (formerly the Institute), the first delivered lesson was a lecture on the course of higher mathematics. About 400 students attended the lecture of an engineer, Samedbek Vekilov. 

The first to lead the department was L.S. Leibenzon. At that time, 4 employees worked at the department. 

In 1923, N.N. Iowlev was appointed the head of the department. In 1926, the department was divided into two parts: the department of Analysis (A.S. Kovanko was appointed the head of the department) and the department of Geometry (professor N.N. Iowlev was appointed the head of the d epartment). In 1928, these departments were again united under the name “Higher Mathematics” (professor A.M. Amosov became the head of the department). A.M. Amosov headed the department until 1945.

 During the ensuing years, the department of Higher Mathema tics was headed by associate professor M.A. Sheidaev (1945 -1961), associate professor G.A. Najafov (1961 -1969), professor R.Kh. Mamedov (1969 -1995). 

In 1991, the department of Higher Mathematics was again reorganized into two departments: the department of Higher Mathematics - I (the head of the department became professor R.Kh. Mamedov) and the department of Higher Mathematics - II (the head of the department became Professor Y.Sh. Salimov). In 1995, the department of Higher Mathematics - I was headed by associate professor J.A. Ismailov. In 1996, these departments were again merged, and until 2011, professor Y.Sh. Salimov headed the department of Higher Mathematics. In 2011 -2016, the department was headed by associate professor M.M. Sabzaliev. 

At different times, the most outstanding scientists of the Republic worked at the department of Higher Mathematics. Among them are the full members of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Z.I. Khalilov and I.I. Ibragimov, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, M.A. Javadov, Yu.A. Amenzadeh, and many others.

 The years 1962 through 1994 can be distinguished as a period of improving the quality of the department. In these years, in addition to the course in higher mathematics, various courses were taught on differential equations, functional analysis, the theory of complex and real variables, special functions, and operation research.

In 1972-2011, the department held scientific seminars on the topic "Constructive theory of functions" and "Spectral theory of differential operators".

 In September 1972, due to the growing need for specialists in applied mathematics in the republic, the department of Higher Mathematics was divided into two departments, and the departments of Higher Mathematics and of Applied Mathematics were created. The leading specialists in applied mathematics, who were working at the Cybernetics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan at that time, having been trained at leading scientific centers of the former USSR (including Moscow, Kiev and other cities), were recruited to work at the department of Applied Mathematics.

At different times, the department of Applied Mathematics was headed by professor A.A. Novruzov (1972 -1977), associate professor M.Kh. Takhirov (1977 -1982), professor V.G. Pirmamedov (1982 -1993), associate professor O.M. Manafly (1993 -1995), Professor B.I. Musayev (1995 -1998), associate professor M.Kh. Baghirov (1998 -2004), corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, professor K.R. Aidazade (2004-2015). Beginning from February, 2016, the department has been headed by professor A.R. Aliev.

 In the early years of the department, the training of specialists in the specialty "Software Development" began in connection with the develo pment of electronic computers, the creation and implementation of automated control systems. However, in the 1980s, it became necessary to train specialists in mathematical modeling in connection with the introduction of a new research method in all areas of science and technology - computational experiments. In this regard, the department began to train students in the specialties "Mathematical Modeling" and "Numerical Methods". In order to improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of app lied mathematics, a branch of the department was created at the Cybernetics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and leading specialists of this institute – full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, professor J.E. Allah verdiyev, professor J.A. Babaev, associate professors A.A. Shakhbazov, K.F. Shirinov, H.M. Musaev and others – were involved both in the educational process and in the leadership of the scientific work of students.

A scientific and methodological seminar " Numerical solution of partial differential equations and of optimization problems" was organized at the department. Subsequently, more than ten participants of the seminar became doctors of science, and more than fifty participants became doctors of philosophy in mathematics and technology. At that time, the school “Young Applied Mathematician” was created at the department to attract more talented students to the specialty “Applied Mathematics”. This school has played an important role in educating talented young people and their orientation in the field of career choice. Full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, professor A.Kh. Mirzadzhanzade assisted in the teaching of mathematical methods in mechanics, in attracting graduates of the department to scientific work, and in training scientific personnel for the department. In 1993, due to the transition to a new educational system in the Republic, new educational programs were created at the department, and on the basis of them, the preparation of bachelors and masters began. The department organized new laboratories equipped with modern computers, and continued research work on the development of mathematical modeling and information systems. 

As a result of structural reforms carried out at our university, in February 2016, the department of General and Applied Mathematics was created on the basis of the departments of Higher Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The department is currently preparing bachelors and masters in the specialty 0 50509 - "Computer Science". The department employs 64 employees (1 honored professor of ASOIU, 1 invited professor, 5 professors, 25 associate professors, 9 senior teachers, 14 assistants, and 9 laboratory assistants). 

Since February 3, 2016, the Department of General and Applied Mathematics has been headed by Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, Professor Araz Rafig oglu Aliev.

Since the beginning, the department has established close ties with the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the Institute of Control Systems and the Institute of Information Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the Oil and Gas Research Institute of SOCAR, the Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku State University, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Bashkir State University, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Technology named after B.I. Verkin of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, SINAM LLC, Scientific-Production Company R.I.S.K. and other organizations and institutions. Students of the department who distinguished themselves in their studies practice at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and the Institute of Control Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the Oil and Gas Research Institute of SOCAR, SINAM LLC and the R.I.S.K. Scientific and Production Company, and in the same place they write graduate works and master's theses on the organization and implementation of various production processes.

Over the past years, the department’s staff published a l arge number of manuscripts reflected in the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus databases, wrote dozens of textbooks, educational and methodological manuals.

Currently, the department is holding a scientific and theoretical seminar "Modern problems of applied mathematics." Specialists trained by the department work in many countries of the world, including the former Soviet republics, Germany, France, the USA, Mexico, Israel and other countries. In our country, the department’s graduates are involved in almost all areas of activity.

Currently, the department is preparing bachelors in the specialty "Computer Science", and masters in the specialties "Applied Mathematics", "Computer Science", "Mathematical Modeling", and "Mobile Application Development and Game Design" under the new curriculum.