

Axira Sultanova


Computer engineering


Associate professor

Academic degree

Candidate of Technical Sciences



Education: Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University



Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3230-6349 
International projects and grandees:

  1. İKİ QAT REZİN MATRİSALI KİPLƏNDİRİCİLİ YENİ MODEL SİYİRTMƏLƏRİN İŞLƏNMƏSİ(Фонда Развития Науки при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики - Грант № EIF-MQM-ETS-2020-1(35)- 08/04/1-M-04. 
  2. Фонда Развития Науки при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики - Грант № AEF-MQM-QA-2-2023-3(45))-05/02/1

Present research interests: Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computational Intelligence Machine 
Taught subjects: Artificial intelligence, Neural networks, Fundamentals of computer engineering, Computer vision, Digital signal and image processing, etc.
Awards and certificates:

Award of the Ministry of Education

Honorary decree for scientific and pedagogical activity in connection with the 100th anniversary of the university

Scientific articles, textbooks and methodical instructions:
Model Design For Predicting The Efficiency Of Improved Valve Constructions During Statistical Data Based Exploitation

  1. Принятие экспертных решений в неопределенных условиях
  2. Forecasting of optimal parameters of  household and industrial waste for the purpose of receiving oil products using fuzzy inference models
  3. Neural networks-based ecologıcal forecastıng 
  4. Z-information based decision making
  5. Dinamik obyektin maneəli mühitdə səslə idarəedilməsi
  6. Сравнительный анализ алгоритмов поиска оптимального пути
  7. Mоделирование сложных динамических систем с помощью конечного автомата
  8. Path Planning Collision Free for Warehouse Mobile Robot
  9. Mobil avtonom robotun  2D və 3D mühitində qeyri-səlis məntiq əsasında hərəkət trayektoriyasının planlaşdırılması
  10. Determination  of radial strains in  sealing elements with rubber matrix  based on fuzzy sets
  11. Dinamik obyektlərdə ( PUA) təsvirlərin texniki görmə sistemlərinin tətbiqi  ilə email
  12. Development of an Automatic Parking Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic
  13. The Detection of Minefield in Spectral Mapping with Using of UAV.
  14. Determination of valve seal construction angle using fuzzy logic
  15. Navigation of a mobile robot based on fuzzy images in an uncertain environment
  16. Detection of objects using the yolo neural network algorithm
  17. Fire detection by unmanned aerial vehicle using fuzzy systems
  18. Aлгоритм планирования траектории БПЛА на основе позиционирования системы
  19. Fuzzy logic-based planning of the behavior of autonomous vehicles və s.

including 71 articles and 12 books.

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sultanova-Baxman