Education: Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
International projects and grandees:
- İKİ QAT REZİN MATRİSALI KİPLƏNDİRİCİLİ YENİ MODEL SİYİRTMƏLƏRİN İŞLƏNMƏSİ(Фонда Развития Науки при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики - Грант № EIF-MQM-ETS-2020-1(35)- 08/04/1-M-04.
- Фонда Развития Науки при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики - Грант № AEF-MQM-QA-2-2023-3(45))-05/02/1
Present research interests: Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computational Intelligence Machine
Taught subjects: Artificial intelligence, Neural networks, Fundamentals of computer engineering, Computer vision, Digital signal and image processing, etc.
Awards and certificates:
Award of the Ministry of Education
Honorary decree for scientific and pedagogical activity in connection with the 100th anniversary of the university
Scientific articles, textbooks and methodical instructions:
Model Design For Predicting The Efficiency Of Improved Valve Constructions During Statistical Data Based Exploitation
- Принятие экспертных решений в неопределенных условиях
- Forecasting of optimal parameters of household and industrial waste for the purpose of receiving oil products using fuzzy inference models
- Neural networks-based ecologıcal forecastıng
- Z-information based decision making
- Dinamik obyektin maneəli mühitdə səslə idarəedilməsi
- Сравнительный анализ алгоритмов поиска оптимального пути
- Mоделирование сложных динамических систем с помощью конечного автомата
- Path Planning Collision Free for Warehouse Mobile Robot
- Mobil avtonom robotun 2D və 3D mühitində qeyri-səlis məntiq əsasında hərəkət trayektoriyasının planlaşdırılması
- Determination of radial strains in sealing elements with rubber matrix based on fuzzy sets
- Dinamik obyektlərdə ( PUA) təsvirlərin texniki görmə sistemlərinin tətbiqi ilə email
- Development of an Automatic Parking Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic
- The Detection of Minefield in Spectral Mapping with Using of UAV.
- Determination of valve seal construction angle using fuzzy logic
- Navigation of a mobile robot based on fuzzy images in an uncertain environment
- Detection of objects using the yolo neural network algorithm
- Fire detection by unmanned aerial vehicle using fuzzy systems
- Aлгоритм планирования траектории БПЛА на основе позиционирования системы
- Fuzzy logic-based planning of the behavior of autonomous vehicles və s.
including 71 articles and 12 books.
Research Gate: