

Rana Zulfugarova


Computer engineering


Associate professor

Education: Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named  M. Azizbayov (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University)
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-3469-3700
Scientific degree and scientific title: PhD degree in technical sciences, Associate professor
Research area: 
Neural Networks
Decision support systems
Artificial intelligence
Taught subjects:
Neural Network
Project Management
Information Management
Technical foreign language
Security of Networks
Multimedia technologies
Decision support systems
Year of Phd thesis defence: 2015 year “Management in Social and economic systems” (051310), PhD degree in technical sciences, Topic - “Forecasting Models for Oil Processing Plants”

Labor activity:
1985-1988, Institute of  Union Scientific Research & Design  Technology of Petroleum Engineering,    department of  mechanization and automation, engineer
1990-1991, Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named  M. Azizbayov (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University),  department of “Automation control systems” computing center, engineer
1994-1995, Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named  M. Azizbayov (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University),  department of “Automation control systems” computing center, senior engineer
1995-2005, Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named  M. Azizbayov (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University),  department of “Automation control systems” (“Computer engineering”), assistant
2005-2018, Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named  M. Azizbayov (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University),  department of “Automation control systems” (“Computer engineering”), associate professor
2018-2024, BA(MBA, BBA, ZU)  Program coordinator
2008- 2024, BA(MBA, BBA, ZU)  Programs instructor
2024-present, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University,  department of “Computer engineering” associate professor


56 scientific and methodological publications, including 7(3) scientific  articles, 1 international conferences, 38 methodical work, 10  textbook, 2 tudy program.

1. Rafik Aliev, Oleg H. Huseynov, R. X. Zulfugarova, " Z-distance based IF-Then rules," The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2016, Article ID 1673537, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/1673537.
2. Zulfugarova R.Kh., Investigation of the capabilities of a neural network to predict gasoline production. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar / Warsaw: RS Global Sp. z O.O., ISSN 2518-167X, №2(20), Vol.1, February 2018
3. O.H. Huseynov, R.X. Zulfugarova . Application of a computing with words     methodology to a synthesis of a stable fuzzy control system. WCIS –2016, 9th WORLD CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, Tashkent, Uzbekistan