

Vugar Abdullayev


Computer engineering


Associate professor

Academic degree

Candidate of technical science



Education: Azerbaijan State Oil Academy


Present research interests:

Information technology
Cyber ​​physical systems
Big data processing of large-sized data

Taught subjects:

Introduction to information technologies
cloud technologies
Computer networks
Internet- Intranet technologies
Project management

Scientific articles, textbooks and methodical instructions:

  1. The Analytics of Hospitality of Hospitals in a Healthcare Ecosystem, Data-Centric AI Solutions and Emerging Technologies in the Healthcare Ecosystem Страницы 39 - 61 
  2. Cloud Platform and Data Storage Systems in the Healthcare Ecosystem, Medical Robotics and AI-Assisted Diagnostics for a High-Tech Healthcare Industry 
  3. Structure and Metrics of Emerging Computing, Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235571 
  4. Big Data Critical Computing Based on the Similarity-Difference Metric,  Hacimahmud, A.V., Shapa, L., Hahanov, V., ...Chumachenko, S., Litvinova, E. 2020 IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, EWDTS 2020 - Proceedings, 2020, 9225110 
  5. Cyber-social computing, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2019 | book-chapter, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00253-4_21 
  6. Moral cyber-social computing for state and university, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, EWDTS 2017, conference-paper, DOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2017.8110032 
  7. Cyber-physical technologies: Hype cycle 2017 , V Hahanov, W Gharibi, KL Man, I Iemelianov, M Liubarskyi, V Abdullayev  Cyber Physical Computing for IoT-driven Services, 259-272 
  8. Cloud service—Cyber social democracy and smart university, IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS) və s.