Education: Azerbaijan State Technical University
Present research interests:
Big data
Artificial Intelligence
Image recognition
Taught subjects:
Operating system
Computer networks
Information technologies
Scientific articles, textbooks and methodical instructions:
- Advantages of Redis in memory database to efficiently search for healthcare medical supplies using geospatial data Muradova G., Jamalova J. 2023IEEE 16th international conference on application of information and communication technologies AICT /12-14.
- Developmentof a hardware cryptosystem based on a random number generator with two types of entropy sources X.Rzaev,B.Asgarova,J.Jamalova. Eastern Evropean Journal of Enterprice Texnologies ISNN 1729 3774 2022
- Manacement of big data masses J.Jamalova, International Konference technical and natural Sciens problems and perspectives 2018
- Overviev of Methods of Collection and Processing of Ceographic Data N.Ragimova,V.Abdullaev,J.Jamalova International journal of innovative research and revievs ISNN2636-8919,2021
including 25 articles and theses.