Education: Baku State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Scientific degree and title: Doctor of Sciences on Mathematics, Professor.
Present research interests: Pure Mathematics - Solvability Problems for the Operator-Differential Equations and Connected with Them Spectral Problems, Pure Mathematics - Spectral Properties of the Magnetic Schrödinger Operator. Applied Mathematics - High Performance Computing.
Taught subjects:
Calculus-1, Calculus-2, Complex Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis.
Year of PhD thesis defense, specialty code and specialty name, topic name:
1998, 01.01.01 - Mathematical Analysis, On the correct solvability of the boundary- value problems for the operator-differential equations with discontinuous coefficient.
Year of DSc thesis defense, specialty code and specialty name, topic name:
2009, 01.01.01 - Mathematical Analysis, Solvability problems for some classes operator-differential equations in Hilbert space.
Labor activity:
2016- up to the present, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Head of General and Applied Mathematics Department;
1999-2016, Baku State University, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Teacher, Associate Professor and Professor of Applied Mathematics Department.
Additional work place:
2004- up to the present, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Senior Scientific Associate, Leading Scientific Associate, Senior Research Associate of Functional Analysis Department.
Other activities:
- Chairman of the Expert Council on Mathematics and Mechanics of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2019 -2023);
- Member of the Expert Council on Mathematics and Mechanics of the Hi gher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2015 -2016);
- Reviewer of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council at the Institute of Mathe matics and Mechanics of ANAS (2013 -2014);
- Chairman of the General University Multidisciplinary Scientific Seminar at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (2017 - up to the present);
- Scientific Head of the HPC-Center under the General and Applied Mathematics Department of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (2018 - up to the present);
- Member of the Editorial Board of an International Scientific Journal "Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan" (2014- up to the present) (Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus);
- Member of the Editorial Board (2012 -2020) and Managing Editor (2015 -2020) of an International Scientific Journal "Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics" (Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus);
- Member of the Editorial Board of an International Scientific Journal "Mathematics and Statistics" (2013-2019) (Scopus);
- Member of the Editorial Board of an International Scientific Journal "Transactions of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, series of physical -technical and mathematics science, issue mathematics" (2015-2017) (Scopus);
- Editor-in-Chief of an International Scientific Journal "Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing" (2018 - up to the present) (Index Copernicus);
- Editor-in-Chief of an International Scientific Journal "Baku Mathematical Journal" (2022- up to the present);
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Transactions of Azerbaijan Institutes of Technology" (2016-2019);
- Editor-in-Chief of an International Scientific Journal "Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics" (2011 -2017);
- Member of the American Mathematical Society;
- Reviewer of a number of international mathematical journals (
The awards, grants, patents:
- By the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 30, 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Scientist".
- By the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 8, 2021, he was awarded the "Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (1920 -2020)".
- The Science Development Fund of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (grant No. EIF-2011-1(3)-82/28/1) (2011 -2012).
- Baku State University by inner university grants 50x50 (2011 -2012).
- Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz Un iversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (grant No. 363 -686-D1435) (2015).
- Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (grant No. G-377-965-1436) (2016).
- ASOIU by inner university grants "University Grant" (grant No. ADNSU-2018-1-01) (2019-2020).
- Taif University Researches Supporting, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia (grant No. TURSP-2020/031) (2020 -2022).
- “ERASMUS+ MAGnUS: Master’s program in Mobile Application Development and Game Design” (598342 -EPP-1-2018-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP/MAGnUS) (2019-2023).
- "rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid" - H2020-SU-DS-2020/U-DS04- 2018-2020 ELECTRON (the project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101021936) (2021 - 2024).
The author of 187 printed scientific and educational-methodical publications (57 of them are reflected in the Web of Science Core Collection and 59 are in the Scopus).