

Mahir Sabzaliev


General and Applied Mathematics



Academic degree

Doctor of Sciences on Mathematics



Education: Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Mathematics.


Present research interests: Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations.

Taught subjects:

Mathematics-1, Mathematics-2, Mathematics-3.

Scientific degree and title:

Doctor of Sciences on Mathematics, Professor.

Year of PhD thesis defense, specialty code and specialty name, topic name

1982, 01.01.02 - Differential Equations, Some questions in the theory of partial differential equations containing a small parameter.

Year of DSc thesis defense, specialty code and specialty name, topic name

2013, 1211.01 - Differential Equations, Some questions of the theory of singularly perturbed differential equations.

Labor activity:

The main place of work:

2017- up to the present, Baku Business University, Head of Higher Mathematics and Technical Disciplines Department;

2016-2017, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Professor of General and Applied Mathematics Department;

2011-2016, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Head of Higher Mathematics Department;

1988-2011, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (current ASOIU), Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department;

1984-1988, Senior Engineer at the Computer Center at the "Khazardenizneftgazsenaye" Association;

1980-1984, Senior Laboratory Assistant of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University; 1977-1980, Graduate Student of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University;

1971-1977, Teacher of Mathematics in the Akhsu region.

Additional work place:

2017- up to the present, Azerbaijan State University of Oil  and Industry,  Professor of General and Applied Mathematics Department.

Other activities:

Secretary of Scientific Seminar of the Doctoral Dissertation Council at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS (2020 - up to the present).

The author of 118 printed scientific and educational -methodical publications (7 of them are reflected in the Web of Science Core Collection and 4 are in the Scopus).