

Fuad Aliyev


General and Applied Mathematics


Senior Lecturer

Academic degree

PhD on Mathematics



Education: Baku State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.


Taught subjects:

Mathematics-1, Mathematics-2, Mathematics-3.

Present research interests: Harmonic analysis.

Year of PhD thesis defense, specialty code and specialty name, topic name:
23.05.2019, 01.01.01 - Mathematical Analysis, Investigation of integral operators of the
potential type in terms of local oscillations.

Labor activity:
2018- up to the present, Lecturer of Mathematics at the French -Azerbaijan University (UFAZ)
under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.
Additional work place

2019- up to the present, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Senior Lecturer of
General and Applied Mathematics Department.

The author of 14 printed scientific and educational -methodical publications (3 of them are
reflected in the Scopus).