

Ramiz İsmailov


Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage


Associate Professor

Academic degree




Graduation:  Baku State University 


Areas of research: Gas network modeling, Modeling of gas movement in a pipeline, Diagnosing liquid inclusions in gas flows, Study of nonequilibrium properties of natural gases, Data analysis.

Academic subjects: 

Modeling in the design of offshore oil and gas structures, Modeling during the construction of shelf structures, Offshore risk analysis and assessment.


  1. Application of soft computing to research of transient processes in the gas pipelines.
    R.A.İsmailov. İCSCCW-2017, Budapest, Hungary, p.461-465. 
  2. Diagnosing the presence of liquid inclusions in gas pipelines.
    Q.Q. Ismailov, R.A. Ismailov, F.N. Akhmedzade. SOCAR Proceedings. Special Issue N1(2021) p.156-161. 
  3. Study of the dynamics of particle sedimentation during separation of condensing gases.
    Q.Q.Ismailov, R.A.Ismailov, X.N.Babirov SOCAR Proceedings. Special Issue N1(2022) p.1-6.
  4. On the rationale for choosing the cooling capacity of a turboexpander unit in the process of gas preparation 
    Q.Q.Ismailov, Y.Z.Alekberov, R.A.Ismailov SOCAR Proceedings. Special Issue N4(2022) p.122-125.
  5. Application of fuzzy logic for risk assessment in the pipeline
    R.A.Ismailov, I.A.Ismailov  12th World Conference “Intelligent System for Industrial Automation” (WCIS-2022)

85 articles and theses. 

Scopus:  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200212783

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ramiz-Ismailov-3