



Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage


Associate Professor

Academic degree




Graduated from:  Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after I. M. Gubkin


Direction of scientific research: collection, preparation, transportation, storage of natural gas, cleaning the bottom zone of wells, supersonic gas flows, modeling and operation of compressor stations of gaslift and airlift oil production, collection, transportation, storage of natural gas systems, methods of eliminating hydrate formation in subsea gas pipelines.


Hydrogas dynamics and movement of real gases, Modern problems of engineering of oil and gas facilities, Repair and restoration of offshore oil and gas facilities, Facilities for gathering and storing oil and gas in offshore conditions, Metal structures.

Titles of conference papers:

  1. Adjustment of compressor operating modes in the process of collecting and transporting low-pressure gases. Bagirov A.N., "AZINMASH-75" scientific and technical conference, Baku, 2005, p.189-191.
  2. Development of optimal natural gas transportation technology in order to obtain more products in the gas chemistry complex. Bagirov A.N., Imanov T.Z. 71st scientific and technical conference of students dedicated to "Shusha Year", 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, pp. 198-204.
  3. Cleaning the bottomhole zone of oil wells from resins and asphaltenes. Bagirov A.N., Bagirov Sh.A., XLV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Advances in Science and Technology” June 15, 2022 Scientific Publishing Center “Relevance. RF" Moscow, Elibrary, p.125-126.
  4. Method for regulating the power and performance of UGS compressors at a low compression ratio. Iskenderov E.Kh., Bagirov A.N., Bagirov Sh.A., International scientific conference “High technologies and innovations in science”, May 2022, Humanitarian National Research Institute “National Development”, St. Petersburg, p. 114-117.
  5. Assessment of the conditions for hydrate formation when mixing natural gas flows of various conditions. Iskenderov E.Kh., Bagirov A.N., Bagirov Sh.A., International scientific and practical conference “The Arctic: modern approaches to industrial and environmental safety in the oil and gas sector”, November 28, 2022, Volume II, Tyumen, 312 -316.
  6. Determining of primary hidrate formation in subsea gas pipelines. Iskenderov E.Kh. Baghirov A.N. Baghirov Sh.A.  İnternational Scientific-Practical Conference KhazarOilGasField (İSPC KOGF-2022), Proceeding of Scientific Papers. 6-7 Desember 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan. Scientific Research İnstitute “Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry”, p.22-27.

2 monographs, 45 articles and 5 patents.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alovsatbaghirov/