

Nazila Mammadova


Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage



University: Azerbaijan oil and industry university


Direction of scientific research:

Nanotechnology, Fields of application and possibilities of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry, Rational management of the volume of formation waters produced in the oil and gas extraction industry,  Ensuring the safety of the environment during the development of oil fields,  Development of innovative technologies against pollution of the bottom zone in wells of various purposes,  Development of environmentally and economically efficient technologies for increasing production, Transport logistics

Passed subjects:

Nanotechnological basis of oil and gas extraction, Nanotechnology in the transportation of oil and gas, Nanoprocesses in geology and geophysics, Fundamentals of nanophysical-chemical nanotechnological materials science, Corrosion in soil environment and protection from it, Corrosion and protection in the marine environment, Environmental protection during transportation of oil and gas and oil products, Technical preparation for the transport process

Titles of teachers' articles, etc.

  1. Environmental impact of chemical composition produced water (on the  Siayazan field example)
  2. Geoecological problems of waste water disposal in Neft Daslari field
  3.  Application of nanosystems against environmental problems arising in the processing of deposits
  4.  Nanotechnology and environmental protection against the corrosion activity of coastal waters
  5. Management of the volume of formation waters produced from oil and gas deposits and reduction of the impact on the environment
  6. Nanotechnology and environmental protection against corrosion activity of formation water in oil fields
  7.  Comprehensive study of geo-technological and hydrogeological parameters of the field "Siyazanneft"
  8. Geoecological problems of utilization of reservoir waters of oil fields
  9. Protection of the environment from corrosion in the oil industry using nanotechnology
  10. Hydrogeoecology and nanotechnology
  11. Increasing the efficiency of oil transportation and storage technologies with BAF-1 and BAF-2 nanoreagents in the example of "Siyazanneft" NQCI
  12. Development of nanostructured composite compound for impact on the bottomhole area in utilization wells for the management of produced water (On the Siyazan field example)

20 articles and theses