In the 30s of the last century, due to the necessity of expanding the scale of drilling works and increasing the efficiency of oil well exploitation, the oil industry was faced with the issue of supplying the oil regions of the Soviet Union with new improved equipment. Constructors and machine builders are faced with a responsible issue. To create equipment that ensures the reconstruction of drilling and oil production techniques based on new techniques.
For the development of oil mining equipment, engineers and mechanics were required with increased qualification. In connection with this, in February 1936, in the Faculty of Mechanics, a special "Oilfield Machinery" department, one of the first in the country, was established, later it was named "Oil Mechanics, Machines and Mechanisms".
First, lessons, courses and diploma projects were conducted with this department on the courses "Drilling machines and mechanisms" and "Machines and mechanisms for the operation of oil wells". In 1940, the "Repair-assembly work" course was included among the department's subjects.
In addition to the training of personnel, the department in those years conducted a large scientific research work in the field of development of the theory and methodology of reports of oil field equipment and studies of the operation of this equipment in mining conditions.
In the pre-war years, under the leadership of R.I. Shishenko, the department worked on a hydraulic dynamometer for rocking machines. In the post-war years, under the leadership of Professor S.V. Yurkevsky, research was carried out in the field of the theory of operation of reciprocating compressors, which made it possible to create improved designs of high-pressure compressors for the oil industry, as well as the creation of improved axes of large endurance and the theory of their operation for rotary drilling, which greatly reduced the drilling time of wells. studies have been conducted in the field of development.
In the first years after the establishment of the department, it had three docents S.V. Yurkeviskiy, I.A.Tarayev and M.S. Skvirskiy. In the following years, there was already a professor R.A.Ibatulov in the department, who headed the department until 1962, and A.Q. Mammadzade, M.Q. Aghayev, V.G. Sharifov, R.A. Badalov, O.A. Orucov and others started teaching as assistant professors.
In 1962, a field scientific-research laboratory for the study of mobile drilling units was created in the department, which in 1967 was named a field scientific-research laboratory for the study of oilfield equipment. In the field laboratory, scientific research and project design works are carried out on the basis of an economic contract with the engineering and technical staff of the department, as well as with such enterprises as "Baku worker" machine-building plant, AzMASHN, Ishimbay Oil machine-building plant, etc. As a part of history Ramazanov R.A, Askerov M.M, Amirov R.F were candidates of technical sciences of the field laboratory in different years.
In the 70s, a field laboratory for the study of oil field equipment was also organized at the machine-building plant named after Lieutenant Schmidt.
From Professor K.A.İbatulov, prof. K.S.Aliverdizade, prof. A. Kh. Janahmadov, associate professor V.G. Sharifov, prof. R.A. Abdullayev, prof. V. I. Aliyev, prof. V.T.Mammadov, it was led by R. Sh. Ismayilov. Currently, the head of the department, Assoc. Prof. is C.N.Aslanov.
In the photo, standing in 1968 (from left to right): Khanlarov B.T., Korostashev A.I., Levitskiy Z.N., MirzayevaL.M., AliyevaL.A., Vahidov M.A., Tagiyev R.D., seated: Tarayev I.A., Abdullayev A.A., Ibatulov K.A., Orujov O.A., Yurkevskiy S.V., Agayev A.D.
During the years of leadership of K.S. Aliverdizade with the department, the teaching laboratory of the department began to be filled with natural samples of oilfield equipment. In particular, a working drilling rig located on D. Aliyeva Street in the courtyard of the educational and administrative building was built with all its equipment. This unit was completely out of service equipment, so it was completely dismantled.
During the years of Prof. K.S. Aliverdizade's leadership, excursions were organized for students and teachers to the oil enterprises of the republic, such as "Oil Stones", 15-kilometer hourly drilling complex, sea floating drilling rig, etc. Also, a museum of the department's achievements was created, in which scientific works, inventions, monographs, educational materials, exemplary diploma works of excellent students, photomontages about the conducted excursions were created.
The level of knowledge of the professors and teachers of the department was so high that some of them were sent to foreign countries, for example, to Algeria to teach in specialties, while others, authors of modern works, participated in important international and union exhibitions.
In these years, the number of associate professors in the department is increasing (L.I. Vechkhaizvi, M.A.Vahidov, Z.N. Levitskiy, X.D.Omarov, etc.) and the number of professors like A.X. Janakhmadov, A.A. Ibrahimov, and Azerbaijan EA correspondent member prof. R.A.Badalov.
In 2000, the number of teaching subjects were increased. Such subjects as "Repair and installation of oilfield equipment", "Techniques of marine mines", Fundamentals of tribology", "Compressor machines and stations", "Repair and recovery of wells", "Calculation and construction of oilfield equipment" etc. have been added to the teaching plans.
In 2002, in connection with the merger with the "Chemical Production Machines and Apparatus" department, it was renamed the "Oil and Gas Production and Processing Techniques" department until 2016. The number of subjects has increased at the undergraduate level and at the graduate level. Such subjects as "High pressure devices", "Plant equipment", "Chemical reactors", etc. they were added.
In 2016, the department was named "Oil and gas equipment".
In 2021, the "Oil and Gas Equipment" and "Engineering Graphics" departments were merged and named the "Industrial Machines" department, and Assoc. Prof. C. N. Aslanov was elected.
At the moment, Habibov I.A., Mammadova M.A. are professors, Mammadov Q. A., Ahmadov A.S., Eyvazova Z.E., Malikov R.X., Huseynli Z.S., Abasova S.M., Huseynova V.Sh, Abbasov N.M., Khankishiyeva T.U. are associate proffessors,Najafguliyeva R.S., Gasimova S.A., Sadygova T.Y., Suleymanova A.C., Zeynalov N.E., Huseynova T.A., Feyziyeva G.E., Garayeva Z.H., Aghayeva G.M., Agazade N.R., Hamidova G.E., Suleymanli Y.B. are lecturers, and technical staff: laboratory director IbayevaL.R., Aliyeva R.T., AliyevaL.N., Aliyeva P.S., Garibov A.M., Imanova I.Ş. of the department.
The professor-lecturers composition of the department participates in state-budgeted scientific-research works every year, including the study of oilfield equipment operational packers, rod pump well transfers, fountain armature elements, oil processing equipment, etc.