

Gasim Mammadov


Industrial machines


Associate Professor

Academic degree

Candidate of Technical Sciences



Date of birth: 25.10.1958


In 1980 he graduated from Azerbaijan Oil and Chemical Institute (Now ASOIU) department of Oil Mechanical. His speciality is Engineering.

In 1989, he defended his candidate dissertation on the topic "Process of the extraction of benzene with diethylene glycol in a multi-sexual electrocontact apparatus" at the Institute of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. According to the protocol No. 39k/45 dated October 18, 1989, of the Collegium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he was awarded the diploma of candidate of technical sciences (certificate No. 007767).

Scientific degree: Associate professor 

Research area: PhD In Technical Sciences

Work experience

He worked as the laboratory director at the Sumgayit branch of the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute from 1986 to 1989. From 1989 until 1993, he worked as a leading engineer at the Project Design Institute of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Enterprises. From 1993 to 2007, he served as an associate professor at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. From 2007 to 2010, he was the dean of the faculty at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. From 2010 to 2015, he worked as a vice-rector for educational affairs at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. Gasim Mammadov is a vice-rector for Academic Affairs at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University since 2015.

Other Activities

In accordance with the order No. 11/288 of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 11, 2014, he participated in a 30-credit seminar on "Management of Higher Education" organized by the Institute of Public Administration of Turkey and Middle Eastern States. The seminar was formed by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and included representatives from 15 different state universities. He completed an internship in the Republic of Turkey from November 17 to 29, 2014, and received a certificate.

He was awarded the "Progress" medal by the decree No. 1202 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 18, 2010 (certificate No. I-777).

For effective activity during the organization of the 1st European Games held in Baku from June 12 to 28, 2015, he was awarded the honorary decree No. 2604 dated July 9, 2015, by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in 2018, he was awarded the "For Merits in Education" breastplate.

By the decree No. 2391 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 30, 2020, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Teacher" (certificate No. I-1213).

He was awarded the "Azerbaijan Republic Centennial Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1920-2020)" by the order No. K-438 of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 8, 2021 (No. 210).

He is the author of 65 published scientific works, including 4 scientific-methodical works, 3 textbooks, 8 teaching aids, 2 inventions, and 2 monographs.