

Zuleykha Eyvazova


Industrial machines


Associate professor

Academic degree

Candidate of Technical Sciences



Graduated university: Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry 


Direction of scientific research: Improvement of valve, Studies on pump jacks, Studies on pumping units, Improvement of column head, Application of sliding bearing

Subjects passed:

Drilling machines and equipment, Oil and gas extraction equipment, Design of machinery and equipment, Tools and equipment of completed wells etc. 

List of awards and certificates: 

In 2021, the "PROGRESS" medal was awarded 

Certificate by Engineer Design Center (AutoCAD) 

Titles of teachers' articles, etc.:

  1. A universal hydrodynamic method for isolation of formation waters in flooded pumping wells. Gurbanov V.S. Mustafayev S.D. Eyvazova Z.E., Bayramov F.Q. Guliyev R.A. Scientific and technical magazine "EKO-ENERGETICA". No. 4, 2019. Page 23-26.
  2. Determining the optimal technological mode of operation of deep wells with a rod in complex geological and physical conditions. Gurbanov V.S. Mustafayev S.D. Eyvazova Z.E., Bayramov F.Q. Guliyev R.A. "Azerbaijan oil industry" magazine. No. 1, 2020. Page 26-29.
  3. "Design of machinery and equipment" . It is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ASOIU. Textbook. Aslanov C.N., Eyvazova Z.E., Bayramov F.H, Huseynli Z.S. Baku, ASUOI publication, 2020, 224 p.
  4. JUSTIFICATION OF FEASIBILITY FURTHER IMPROVEMENT PUMPJACK WITH ASYMMETRIC PUMPING MODE. Eyvazova Z.E.,  Huseynov H.A. Scientific and technical magazine “Equipment. Technology. Materials Volume 01, Issue 03, 2020. Page.8-14.
  5. Quyu ştanqlı nasosunun intiqalı. İxtira. Patent İ 2020 0092, Dövlət reyestrində qeyd olunub: 30.11.2020. Eyvazova Z.E., Fərəcov T.E.
  6. Balancing of tweezer machines for the extraction of oil by means of well rod pumps. Eyvazova Z.E., Agazada N.R. Scientific and technical magazine “Equipment. Technology. Materials”. Volume 6, Issue 2, 2021. Pages 67-72.
  7. Erqonomika və texniki dizayn. Dərs vəsaiti. Eyvazova Z.E., Hüseynli Z.S. Bakı: ASOIU-nun nəşriyyəti, 2022. 110 p.
  8. Reseach stability of mast rope-pin drive of downholr sucker-rod pump. Eyvazova Z.E., Əliyeva G.R. Scientific and technical magazine  "Equipment. Technology. Materials”.  Volume 9 (1), January 2022. Pages 10-17.
  9. ON THE RESERVES FOR REDUCING THE METAL INTENSITY OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE DOWNHOLE SUCKER-ROD PUMPING UNITS. Zuleykha Eyvazova, Mehdi Jalilzade. "Equipment. Technology. Materials”. Volume10, Issue 02, 2022. Page 103-109.
  10. “The profession you choose is your future”. It is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ASOIU. Book. Eyvazova Z.E., Huseynli Z.S. Baku: ASOIU, 2022. Print: Mega Press, Istanbul, Turkey. 128 p. 
  11. “Qazma maşın və avadanlıqları” fənni üzrə məsələlər toplusu. Eyvazova Z.E., Süleymanova A.C. Bakı: ASUOI, 2022. 100 s.
  12. Harmonic analysis of loading characteristics research of pump jack. J.N. Aslanov, Eyvazova Z.E., A.S.Əhmədov, G.A.Həmidova,  L.R. İbayeva. Məqalə Scopus. International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE) Issue 54, Volume 15, Number 1, March 2023 (Serial No: 0054-1501-0323). 
  13. Direct-flow valve with gate. Patent I 2023 0023. Registered in the state register: 12.04.2023. Eyvazova Z.E., Karimova.
  14. Study of optimization of the structural disign of support units of pump jacks.  Eyvazova Z.E., Mehdiyeva S.F. Scientific and technical magazine . “Equipment. Technology. Materials”. Volume 18,  Issue 05, 2023. Page 66-76.
  15. Research on improving the gate valve of the drilling manifold. Zuleikha Eyvazova, Andrey Luzhanski. Volume 19 Issue 01, 2024. Page 43.

Out of 100 published works - 55 articles, 11 conference abstracts, 15 inventions, 11 textbooks and study guide, etc.   


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=eaVqtRgAAAAJ

Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zuleykha-Eyvazova