

Rafiqa Shahmarova


Materials science and processing technologies





Bachelor: 1986-1991 Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemical Institute (now ASOIU)
Faculty of "Chemical Technology" specialty "Technology of Inorganic

Doctoral course: 2016-2021 ASOA (ASOIU) - "Materials science and processing
technologies" department 3312.01- "Materials technology" specialty (PhD student)


Subjects taught:

Materials science, Materials technology, Corrosion processes and protection methods, Methods of production of materials, Materials science and materials technology, Physico-chemical research methods of materials

Scientific research direction: Development of the technology of obtaining high-quality cast iron, Study of formation processes and main transformations of cast structure in high-quality cast iron, Research of rational composition and optimal technological processes of high-quality cast iron resistant to corrosion, Effect of thermal processing processes on the structure and properties of high-quality cast iron, Verification and research of the research results on the purchase of high-quality pig
iron on new techniques and technologies in the oil drilling industry

Titles of teachers' articles, etc.

  1. Research of the Manufacturing Quality of Plastic Details with Complex
    Forms of Connection. // SCOPUS , 15th International Conference on
    Applications of Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence
    Tools – ICAFS-2022  ,First Online: 01 March 2023
  2. Influence of processıng modes on accuracy and shrınkage of threaded plastıc
    parts of oılfıeld equıpment. //
  3. Influence of the density of high-quality cast iron on the temperature of
    crystallization. BULATOV'S READING Materials of the International
    Scientific and Practical Conference (March 31, 2023), ISSN 2587-8913,
    Collection of Articles-2023, VOLUME 2, Krasnodar
  4. Saturatıon of glass partıcles with metal durıng sınterıng of a composıte
    materıal of the ıron- cast ıron- glass system. // SCOPUS, “EVREKA:
    Physics and engineering” Volume1(32), 2021. ISSN 2461-4254
  5. Obtaining Of High Quality Synthetic Cast Iron. // Black Sea Scientific
    Journal Of Academic Research Volume 59 Issue 02 2021, Issn: 1987 - 6521,
    E – Issn: 2346 – 7541
  6. Materials technology.// Textbook. Approved by Azerbaijan State Oil and
    Industry University. Order No. 01-I/17, July 8, 2021
  7. Effect of density on eutectic crystallization temperature in superheated cast
    irons.// News of ASOSU Azerbaijan Higher Technical Schools, Volume 22
    No. 5 (2020)
  8. High-quality mills made of synthetic cast iron. // “Science and
    Enlightenment” Collection of articles of the X International Scientific and
    Practical Conference held on June 20, 2020 in Penza.
  9. Heat treatment of piston rings made of high-quality synthetic cast iron.//
    Scientific journal “Molodiy Vcheniy” No. 3 (67) Berezen 2019 r.
  10. Temperature regimes of austenite-bainite transformation.// News of the
    Azerbaijan Engineering Academy Vol. 11. No. 3 2019