

Ilman Hasanov


Materials science and processing technologies


Deputy Dean

Academic degree

Candidate of Technical Sciences



Bachelor: In 1996-2000 “Technology and equipment for the restoration and
increase of strength of machines and apparatus”, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, in Azerbaijan Technical University

Master: In 2000-2002 , “Technology and equipment for the restoration and
increase of strength of machines and apparatus”, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, in Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctoral studies: In 2002-2005 Department "Mechanical Engineering
and Material Processing" 05.02.01 – Materials science (postgraduate
study) in ASOA(ASOIU)

  • hesenov.74@inbox.ru

RESEARCH AREA: Development of polymeric composite materials for enhancing the hermetic capability in the knitting knots of oil-field equipment


Hydraulic machines, Machine production technology, Equipment rejections physics, Automatic design systems


  1. Stress-deformed state of a packing ring with eccentric holes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE
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  2. Evaluation of the fatigue properties of rubber sealing elements under an asymmetric loading cycle.
    Second International Scientifi c-Practical Conference “MODERN INFORMATION,
    (MIMCS’2020) dedicated to the: 100th anniversary of ASOIU, November 05-06, 2020, Baku,
  3. Strained-deformation state of polymer composition material shaft of centrifugal pump. The
    Proceedings of Fourth International Iron and Steel Symposium (UDCS ’ 21). April 1-3, 2021,
    Karabuk, Turkey. pp. 216-218.
  4. Improving the Sealing Efficiency of Compressor Cylinders of Gas Engine Compressors in the System
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    Reliability, 2023, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 630–634. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023. Russian Text
    © The Author(s), 2023, published in Problemy Mashinostroeniya i Nadezhnosti Mashin, 2023,
    No. 6, pp. 96–101. DOI: 10.1134/S1052618823060043
  5. Development of effective sealing units for oil and qaz equipment in the oil and qaz
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  6. Method of experimental study of the force-deformation characteristics of the bellelee spring of
    the stop assembly of a direct-flow gate valve. Nafta-qaz 2023, no.11, pp.742-748,
  7. Composition material for the preparation of molding details. Intellectual Property Agency of
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  8. Sealing node of the pipe coil. Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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  9. Технология производства машин. Азербайджанский Государственный Университет
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  10. Machine production technology. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. Textbook.
    Baku, ASOSU publication, 2023, p.174, com. 3-29-50/3-1-2233/2023, 20.07.2023.