Graduated university: Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after M.Azizbekov, (Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU))
Direction of scientific research: Automated information system for analyzing the technical condition of energy equipment (Database Management System), Assessment of technical condition of each equipment on the basis of efficiency performance, safety and reliability indicators of electric power equipment of electric power systems; Normalization of statistical indicators of the operation of power system equipment, Based on the obtained statistical indicators and based on integral indicators, the ranking (sorting) of equipment according to their operating mode.
Conducted subjects:
History and methodology of power engineering, Modern problems of machinery energy engineering, Modern Problems of designing fixed and mobile oilfield equipment, Organization and planning of scientific research works»
List of awards and certificates:
EU INOGATE Program (Energy Saving Initiative in the Building Sector of Eastern Europe and Central Asia) Energy Saving Initiative in the Building Sector (ESIB) Building Energy Audit Project
Titles of teachers' articles, etc.:
- Farhadzadeh E.M., Muradaliyev A.Z., Farzaliyev Y.Z., Rafiyeva T.K., Abdullayeva S.A. Reliability of the estimate of interrelation of parameters efficiently their work of objects of EES. Journal: «Reliability: Theory&Applications». RT&A (Vol.12 No.2(45))2017, June,USA, San Diego, p.21-27, SCOPUS: ISSN 1932-2321
- Farhadzadeh, E.M., Muradaliyev, A.Z., Rafiyeva, T.K., Abdullayeva S.A. Method and algorithms of calculation of parameters of reliability in accordance with multivariate data.Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations , 2017, 60(1), p.p. 16–29, Belorussia, Minsk, SCOPUS: ISSN 1029-7448 (Print), ISSN 2414-0341 (Online),
- Farhadzadeh,E.M., Muradaliyev, A.Z., Farzaliyev, Y.Z., Rafiyeva, T.K., Abdullayeva S.A. Minimization of risk of the erroneous decision in the assessment of the importance of statistical relations of technical and economic indicators of the objects of electric power systems. Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations, Belorussia, Minsk, 2018, 61(3), p.p. 193–206, SCOPUS: ISSN 1029-7448 (Print), ISSN 2414-0341 (Online)
- Farhadzadeh, E.M., Muradaliyev, A.Z., Farzaliyev, Yu.Z., Rafiyeva, T.K., Abdullayeva, S.A. Minimization of Risk of the Erroneous Decision in the Assessment of the Importance of Statistical Relations of Technical and Economic Indicators of the Objects of Electric Power Systems | Минимизация риска ошибочного решения при оценке значимости статистических связей технико-экономических показателей объектов электроэнергетических систем. SCOPUS: Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations this link is disabled, 2018, 61(3), pp. 193–206
- Farhadzadeh, E.M., Muradaliyev, A.Z., Farzaliyev, Y.Z., Abdullayeva S.A. Comparison and Ranking of Steam-Turbine Installations of Thermal Power-Stations’ Power-Generating Units by Working Efficiency, Thermal Engineering, 2018, 65(10), p.p. 708–715, Russia, Moskow, SCOPUS: Thermal Engineering . DOI:10.1134/S0040601518100026
- Farhadzadeh E.M., Muradaliyev A.Z., Abdullayeva S.A. A Method And An Algorithm For Comparing The Performance Of Reciprocating Engine Power Plants İn Electric Power Systems, Energy Systems Research, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019, Vol. 2, № 3 (7), р.p. 21-28, ISSN 2618-9992,
- Фархадзаде Э.М., Мурадалиев А.З., Абдуллаева С.А., Ашурова У.К. Повышение оперативной эффективности и работы конденсационных электростанций, Известия РАН. Энергетика, №1, с.70-78, 2021, г. Москва, ISSN 0002-3310, DOI: 10.31857/S0002331021010052
- Farhadzadeh, E.M., Muradaliyev, A.Z., Abdullayeva S.A., Nazarov, A.A. Automated analysis of service life of air-lines of the electricity transmission of electric power systems, Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations, 64(5), 2021, p.p. 435–445, Russia, Moskow, SCOPUS: ISSN 1029-7448 (Print), ISSN 2414-0341 (Online)
- Farhadzadeh E.M., Muradaliyev A.Z., Abdullayeva S.A. ESTIMATION, COMPARISON AND RANKING OF OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY INDICATORS OF OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, Reliability: Theory and Applications, 2021, 16(4), p.p. 186–196, SCOPUS: ISSN 1932-2321, RTA_4_2021-14.pdf (
- Фархадзаде Э.М., Мурадалиев А.З., Абдуллаева С.А., Назаров А.А. Автоматизированный анализ срока службы воздушных линий электропередач электроэнергетических систем, М.: Известия РАН. Энергетика, Т.64. №5 (2021), с.435-445,
- Фархадзаде Э.М., Мурадалиев А.З., Абдуллаева С.А., Назаров А.А. Количественная оценка оперативной надёжности воздушных линий электропередачи. Электрические станции, №8, 2021, с.28-34, г. Москва, ISSN 0201-4564, DOI:
- Farhadzadeh E.M., Muradaliyev A.Z., Abdullayeva S.A. Quantitative analysis of the operational reliability of overhead power lines. Informatics and control problems. Vol. 42, Issue 1(2022), р.p. 46-53, ISSN: 2664-2085, DOI:
And 28 articles have been published in other foreign scientific journals.
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