University Attended: Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Contact Details:
Research Area:
Simulation and 3D Modeling, Finite Element Analysis, Offshore Wind Turbines, Alternative Energy Sources, Offshore Platforms, Floating Offshore Alternative Energy Sources.
Strength of materials | Mechanics of materials, Machine design, Strength and Dynamics of Oil & Gas Well Drilling Equipment, Strength and Dynamics of Oil & Gas Well Production Equipment, Strength and Dynamics of Industrial Equipment, Project Management, Simulation in metal forming, Flexible Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
Awards and Certificates:
IDDA & KOICA "Train the Trainee" Program
Gold Medal – 1st place, "TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan 2022" Robotics Competition
Silver Medal – 2nd place, "TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan 2022" BakuSkills - 3D Printing Competition
“SABAH Groups” Diploma (2019)
Research Articles and Publications:
- M.Babanli, Y.Turen, N.Gurbanov, R.Mehtiyev, M.Y.Askin, M.A.Ismayilov. Theory and Experıment in Predıctıng the Strength of Hybrıd Fıber Metal Lamınates | Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics (ISSN: 2383-4536) ·Volume 9, Issue 4 October 2023
- A.G. Mustafayev, M.A.Ismayilov, M.M.Salimli, C.R.Nasirov. Improvıng the Effıcıency of the Mıllıng Tool by Reducıng the Temperature in the Mıllıng Zone Dependıng on the Maın Mode Parameters | Nafta – Gaz ·Volume 79, Issue 12, December 2023, Pages 764-775
- C.Aslanov, R.Abbasov, A.Buğdayev, E.Qafarov, M.A.Ismayilov. Improvıng the Effıcıency of the Throttle by Improvıng the Plug Assembly | Equipment. Technologies. Material (E-ISSN: 7333 - 2055) · September 2023
- R.B.Ərəbov, M.M.Salimli, M.A.Ismayilov. Методика Проведения Цементных Работ в Геотермальных Скважинах | «СОВРЕМЕННАЯ НАУКА: АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ, ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ И ИННОВАЦИИ» сборник статей XXV Международной научно-практической конференции, Состоявшейся 10 мая 2022г. в г. Пенза
- S.Y.Əliyeva , M.A.Ismayilov. Research of The Wave Factor Influencıng Hydraulıc Structures | “Equipment Technologies Materials” Volume 05 İssue 01 2021
- C.N.Aslanov,M.A.Ismayilov. Молекулярное Взаимное Прикосновение Поверхностей с Высшим Классом Чистоты | “Young Scientist” № 10 (98) October, 2021
Total of 10 articles and abstracts.
Research Gate:
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