
Information Technologies and Control

About ITC

Information Technology and Management explores the many different technologies inherent in the field of information technology and their impact on information systems design, functionality, operations, and management.
050509 - "Computer Science"
050615 - "Information security"
050616 - "Information technologies"
050620 - "Computer engineering"
050629 - "Mechatronics and robotics engineering"
050604 - "Instrumentation engineering"
050634 - "Process automation engineering"
050636 - "Radiotechnic and telecommunication engineering"


Computer Engineering

Instrument and Control Engineering

Robotics Engineering

General and Applied Mathematics


All Teachers

Akif Alizade

Head of the department, Associate Professor

Bahar Asgarova

Associate Professor

Yashar Hajiyev

Associate Professor

Almaz Mehdiyeva

Associate Professor

Elchin Malikov

Associate Professor

Lab rooms