
Geological Exploration

Bachelor program in “Geological and geophysical engineering”

        The “Geological and geophysical engineering” specialty prepares geologists and geophysicists of various directions, who can get higher education at different levels. The four-year program allows them to master the bachelor's qualification. The engineering BS program is designed for four years. Students study basic technical, special geological disciplines, computer technology, foreign language, principles of production organization, mining law. The degree program aims at equipping our students with the abilities needed to face with confidence the challenges of the domestic and foreign professional sector or of post-graduate academic programs at home or abroad. Our graduates acquire the professional skills that a rapidly shifting technological environment demands, including complex reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving. They are able to assume leading roles in the industry. In addition, our graduates are in position to succeed in the private industrial sector, in the government sector, as well as in the academic and research environment.
        The training of future specialists at the faculty is conducted by a team of highly qualified and well-known scientists and teachers in the geological community.
        The work of a geologist and geophysicist is complex and multifaceted. Only with a detailed study of the structure of the Earth's interior with the help of modern geophysical techniques, computer technologies, it is possible to confidently predict oil and gas deposits accumulated at a depth of several kilometers.
        After the discovery of the deposit, it is necessary to assess its reserves and rationally conduct development without damaging the environment and subsurface. All these issues are dealt with by certified specialists – graduates of the faculty GE, ASOIU.

Structure and emerging competencies

        The structure of bachelor's degree programs includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). The basic part includes: disciplines (modules), which are mandatory for students to master, regardless of the orientation (profile); state final certification. The variable part includes: disciplines (modules) that determine the orientation (profile); practices, including research work. The State final certification based on the results of mastering includes: the state exam (including preparation for passing and passing the state exam); defense of the final research work (including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure).

Characteristics of the graduate's professional activity

        1. The field of professional activity of the graduate: - academic and departmental research organizations related to the solution of geological and geophysical problems; - geological organizations, geological exploration and mining organizations engaged in prospecting, exploration and extraction petroleum - organizations related to environmental monitoring and solving environmental problems.
        2. Objects of professional activity of the graduate: Earth, crust, lithosphere, rocks, groundwater, mineral resources, deposits of combustible minerals; geological environment, natural and man-made geological processes; geophysical and geochemical fields.
        3. Type (types) of professional activity of the graduate: scientific-research (main) and research and production projects.
        4. Tasks of the graduate's professional activity. In the scientific-research type of professional activity, the graduate is ready to solve the following tasks: participation in acquiring field geological and geophysical data using modern techniques; participation in carrying out work on experimental installations, models, laboratory and field equipment and instruments; participation in the compilation of sections of scientific and technical reports, reviews, explanatory notes; participation in the compilation of abstracts, bibliographies, in the preparation of publications on the subject of ongoing research;
        In the scientific-production type of professional activity: participation in the preparation of field equipment and instruments; participation in conducting field geological observations and measurements using modern technical means; participation in the collection and processing of field data, in the generalization of stock geophysical data using modern information technologies; participation in the compilation of maps, diagrams, sections, tables, graphs and other established reporting on approved forms; participation in monitoring compliance with safety regulations.

Learning outcomes of the degree program

        1. As a result of mastering the bachelor's degree program, a graduate should have universal, general-professional, professional and specialized-professional competencies.
             • A graduate who has mastered the Bachelor's degree program must have the following universal competencies:
             • The ability to search, critically analyze and synthesize information. The ability to manage time, build and implement a trajectory of self-development based on the principles of lifelong education.
             • Ability to carry out business and academic communication in oral and written forms in a foreign language (foreign languages).
             • The ability to use knowledge about the basic concepts, objects of study and methods of natural science in the context of professional activity.
             • The ability to analyze and evaluate philosophical problems for the formation of a worldview position.
             • Ability to use modern information and communication technologies in academic and professional spheres.
        2. A graduate who has mastered the bachelor's degree program must have the following general professional competencies:
             • The ability to realize the social significance of their future profession, possession of high motivation to perform professional activities.
             • Ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity in accordance with the profile of study.
             • Ability to apply knowledge of fundamental directions of Geosciences, basic knowledge of natural science and mathematical cycles in solving standard professional tasks.
        3. Professional competencies of a graduate who has mastered the bachelor's degree program. Professional competencies corresponding to the types of professional activity that the bachelor's degree program is focused on:
        Scientific-research activity:
             • The ability to independently collect geological information, use field/laboratory research skills in research works (in accordance with the study profile).
             • The ability to use knowledge of the theoretical foundations of fundamental geological disciplines in solving research tasks of professional activity.
             • The ability to participate as part of a research team in obtaining and interpreting information (in accordance with the study profile).
        Scientific-production activity:
             • The ability to apply in practice methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and summarizing geological and geophysical information.
             • The ability to conduct geological and geophysical observations and carry out their documentation at the object of study; to link their observations on the ground, to make diagrams, maps, plans, sections of geological content.
             • Readiness to work on modern field/laboratory devices, installations and equipment in accordance with the study profile.
             • The ability to use regulatory documents that determine the quality of field, laboratory, computational and interpretation work (according to the study profile)
             • Ability to participate in the preparation of projects and estimates of production geological and geophysical works.

Minutes of meeting.pdf
Students Evaluated Teachers of Ceological and Geophysical Engineering BA Program for Fall Semester 2022..pdf