

News 05 Oct 2019
A meeting with Russian students studying on journalism and PR with Azerbaijani journalists was organized at ASOIU

On October 4, a meeting of members of the media expedition entitled “Oil Way” that joined by students from Yugra State University of Russian Federation, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University as well as Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University with Azerbaijani journalists was held.

The meeting organized at ASOIU ,Ilham Shaban, editor-in-chief of Caspian Barrel Information Portal, Ilaha Mammadli, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Report Information Agency, Namig Mailov, Editor-in-Chief of Region + Magazine, Nurlana Guliyeva, Head of Region + Magazine, Interfax -Azerbaijan News Agency employee Bahram Rustambeyov exchanged ideas with journalists studying in journalism and PR.

Speaking about their activities in oil area and the importance of oil subject, the participants discussed the different and similar problems of journalism in each country, as well as issues on raising awareness of young journalists in the oil and gas area.
