

News 08 Oct 2019
ASOIU's Rector meets with the staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production

On October 8 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production.

 Meeting with the staff of the faculty of OGP , Rector, M.Babanli discussed the educational process, work with students, academic activities, as well as training, forthcoming work on faculties and other issues.

 Providing information to the staff of the faculty of Oil and Gas Production on the projects planned to be implemented, Rector,Professor Mustafa Babanli discussed the implementation of new projects consisting of 10 points.

 At the meeting, Rector answered the questions of the staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production.

Notably, On October 7 Rector Mustafa Babanli firstly met with the staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production. Such series meetings are held to solve the current situation at the faculties, innovations applied in teaching, problems faced by academic staff and to discuss upcoming issues.
