

News 09 Oct 2019
90 yearly way of life of ASOIU's professor remembered by his rich scientific activity

On October 8  Sabir Habib oglu Babayev, professor of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering of Azwerbaijan State Oil and Industry University is 90. On October 8, Professor of the Faculty of Oil and Mechanical Engineering of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), founder of the school of the theory of reliability in oil equipment, doctor of technical sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Azerbaijan Republic, professor Sabir Habib oglu Babayev was 90th anniversary.

Since 1976, scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor Sabir Babayev is connected with the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry.He is the author of over 400 scientific works, including numerous books and monographs, 45 certificates of authorship and patents in the field of mechanical engineering and reliability of oil equipment.

Notably, the life and creativity of the professor S. Babayev is widely described in the book entitled "Life devoted to science" written 5 years ago and authored by Ibrahim Habibov, head of “Engineering and Computer Graphics” Department. Congratulates to our esteemed professor on his 90th jubilee and wish him good health!
