

News 15 Oct 2019
ASOIU holds meeting with the writer Varis Yolchiyev

On October 15 meeting of the writer Varis Yolchiev and the university's students was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the initiative of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC).

Firstly, making a speech chairman of STUC Namig Ganjayev spoke about the purpose of the meeting and its importance for students. He underlined that the main reason of meeting with one of the most widely read writers of modern Azerbaijan literature V. Yolchiyev is students who  regularly reads his work and is always interested in his creativity..

Then writer Varis Yolchiyev provided comprehensive information to students about literature, its purpose, and the role of reading in the development of human beings. He called students to read books and underlined its importance. The meeting not only created immense interest in the book for young people but also made fiction more attractive.The meeting stimulated infinite interest and love in the book and fiction in young people.

At the end the ASOIU's  Student Trade Union Committee presented the writer a gift that his portrait engraved and later memorial photo with students was shot.
