

News 18 Oct 2019
ASOIU signs memorandum with Turkish Anatolian High School

On October 18 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli received the delegation headed by the director of the Turkish Anatolian High School Eyüp Sözdinler.

During the meeting, Rector Mustafa Babanli recalled the significance of the October 18 - the day of state independence for our people, modern Azerbaijan state. Then providing information to the guest about the university, he underlined that this educational institution was one of the best universities during USSR. Although there were some lags at a specific time, AzII is still the high-level technical university in Azerbaijan. Rector Mustafa Babanli added that at ASOIU having 100-year history, trained prominent specialist working in 112 countries. Current ASOIU's education is organized according to the modern standards and world trend. More than 14,000 students are trained in three languages at bachelor, master and doctoral level by local teaching staff as well as professors invited from the best universities in the world. During the conversation, the rector highlighted the importance of developing international relations, cooperation with prestigious universities and providing dual diplomas, as well as creating all necessary conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists at the university.

Director of the Turkish Anatolian High School Eyüp Sözdinler expressed his gratitude to the Rector, Mustafa Babanli for warm welcome and comprehensive information. After providing detailed information on the university he represents, educational process, noted that mutual relations and bilateral cooperation with ASOIU were of particular importance to them. In his speech, Janer Baysal, the head of the Anatolian High School, spoke about the importance of cooperation in the rapid development of industry and technical areas.

At the end of the meeting ASOIU and Turkish Anatolian High School signed a memorandum of cooperation.

