

News 25 Oct 2019
ASOIU holds a presentation of EURO-2020 "Volunteer Program"

On October 25 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting of the Operating Group established in connection with the Euro-2020 Games at the Baku Olympic Stadium with students.

Opening the event ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev after conveying to the participants the greetings of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli poke about the importance of Euro 2020 in our country and called students to take an active part in the volunteer program.

Then the head of the Euro 2020 Volunteer Program Yusif Valiyev made a presentation on the history of the European Championship, interesting facts, the Volunteer Program and the planned events related to the Euro-2020.

Then Taleh Yuzbeyov, the ambassador of the Euro-2020 Volunteer Program, spoke about the youth's activity in the program, emphasized the importance of organizing such events in order obtaining students' necessary experience in sports and non-sports, effective organization of leisure activities for young people, and increasing their technical knowledge and skills regarding large-scale and national importance events.

Notably, in accordance with the relevant decision of the UEFA Executive Committee, 4 Euro-2020 matches will be held at the Baku Olympic Stadium (BOS). 3 matches of group A will be held on June 13, 17, 21, while one match of the 1/4 final stage on July 4 in BOS.
