

News 28 Oct 2019
ASOIU signs cooperation agreement with “Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottles Ltd”

On October 28, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Hasan Ellialti, General Director of Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers Ltd.

Expressing his pleasure to welcome the guests at the university, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli said that the Coca-Cola company made the great contribution to the Azerbaijani industry. Noting that a number of projects have been implemented at the university in order to expand ties with the country's leading institutions, bilateral agreements have been signed and students have been involved in internship in the companies, Rector Babanli underlined the importance of uniting the efforts to conduct long-standing cooperation with Coca-Cola. Rector M. Babanli added that new programs are intended for the 2020/2021 academic year and work will be carried out on training of personnel within the framework of these programs that enterprises needed.

Expressing his pleasure to be at ASOIU and holding discussions on important issues, Hasan Ellialti, General Director of Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers Ltd talked about the 25-years activity of the company in Azerbaijan. H. Ellialti touched upon the importance of working with the young people and useing their potential properly in the company headed by him, and stressed their interest in working with ASOIU.

Finally, a cooperation agreement was signed between the parties to support technical development.

