

News 13 Nov 2019
ASOIU holds a presentation of "Volunteer program 2020" of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation


On November 13, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the presentation of the project of "Volunteer Program 2020" of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation organized by the Student Youth Organization.

At the presentation attended by the director of Baku Gymnastics School (BGS) Khagani Farajov firstly provided comprehensive information to the students about the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation. Then, Khagani Farajov made a broad video presentation on the Volunteer Program, the volunteer department, program selection rules,  trainings and participation in competitions.

Noting that the Volunteers Program of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation has been operating for four years, Kh.Farajov spoke about the activities of the services areas that volunteers to be involved and underlined that the young people wishing to participate in the Volunteer Program - 2020 can apply until November 30, 2019.

At the end of the event, the students received the answer to their questions. 
