

News 14 Nov 2019
ASOIU holds a presentation of a miniature book dedicated to Farman Salmanov

On November 14 AzII E-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the presentation of the miniature book entitled "Farman Salmanov. The Way to purpose"

The most delicate paper work was implemented by Zarifa Salahova, Honoured Worker of Culture of Azerbaijan, the creator and founder of the only museum of miniature books in the world. After greeting the event participants Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the life path of Farman Salmanov, his determination and invaluable merits in the field of oil exploration. Rector noted that from an early age F.Salmanov showed great dedication as a young oilman and despite difficulties he successfully completed the mission he started with the team he led. Farman Salmanov has discovered or participated in more than 130 giant oil and gas fields in Western Siberia, Tyumen and nearby regions. Today oil produced from these sources constitute 46.8% of oil production of Russian Federation. Rector M.Babanli highly appreciated Z.Salahova's miniature book about F.Salmanov and highlighted that this book is a valuable gift not only for the university, but also for every Azerbaijani. He stressed that it was expected to create the work about oilman F.Salmanov by a science fellow like Z. Salahova.

Honoured Worker of Culture Zarifa Salahova after providing information about the the Miniature Book Museum headed by her, valuable books there, spoke about the oilman, geologist F.Salmanov. She noted that one of that valuable books she prepared is a minature book entitled "The Way to purpose". This book consists of 296 pages and size is 50x60 mm. The booklet also contains 30 photographs.

Director Deputy of SOCAR Petroleum Research and Design Institute, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Ahmad Salmanov expressed his gratitude for this wonderful book about his uncle's services and its presentation. He noted that this book about F.Salmanov authored by  Z. Salahova is the great value to his services.

At the end, Zarifa Salahova presented several copies of the miniature book about Farman Salmanov and other publications and resources on the activities of a prominent Azerbaijani oilman in Western Siberia related to oil production to ASOIU. These books have been placed on the shelves at AzII E-Book House. After the readers of AzII E-Book House get acquanted with these books, the books presented by Zarifa Salahova to the university will be demonstrated in a special corner created at the SOCAR-ASOIU Science and Training Center.
