

News 22 Nov 2019
AzII E-book House holds a book presentation

On November 21 AzII E-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the presentation of the book entitled "Technique and technology of maintenance of oil and gas wells".

The presentation was attended by the ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Science and Technology (for Scientific Affairs) Rauf Aliyarov, Senior engineer of production department on thoroughly and current repair of Azneft Production Union Yusif Ibrahimov, dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production (FOGP), Professor Gafar Ismayilov, as well as teaching staff of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering and students.

Opening the event, director of AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova provided information to the attendees about the book "Technique and technology of maintenance of oil and gas wells".

In his speech, the author Yusif Ibrahimov emphasized that the book dedicated to the maintenance of oil and gas wells covers wells, traditional surface and underground wells, repair equipment, as well as techniques and technology of maintenance of wills, cementing of wells and other issues. It was noted that, engineers working in the oil and gas industry and students can use the book.

Then, discussions were held on the book. Head of the technical department of Azneft Production Union Babayev Rafael, other chief of technical service Fizuli Ismayilov, dean of the FOGP, Professor Gafar Ismayilov, head of the department of FOME Rasim Ismayilov and others made a speech and shared their views on the book.
