

News 22 Nov 2019
ASOIU holds a presentation of social project entitled “Motherland starts from me”

On November 22 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the first presentation of the social project entitled "Motherland starts from me" organized by the   Public Union "Zafar": Support for Martyrs’ Families.

The event commenced with the national anthem of Azerbaijan Republic was attended by public figures, NGO managers, MPs, families of martyrs, veterans, as well as the academic staff and students of the university.

Opening the event, Sevinj Orujova the wife of the martyr Colonel-Lieutenant Ragub Orujov, the head of the “Zafar” PU, spoke about promotion of the ideology of patriotism and statehood among young people and their tasks with the motto of "Motherland starts from me".

Making a speech, ASOIU's Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim  said that he us proud to hold the first presentation of such project promoting Azerbaijani. G. Mammadov also evaluated the life path of heroes who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their homeland as an example for the young people. Making a speech at the event, historian scientist Firdovsiyya Ahmedova also spoke about the importance of instilling love for the motherland to young people, and underlined that there is a need for intellectual young people in revealing historical truths, preserving our territorial integrity, returning of the occupied territories, at the same time achieving the future development of the country.

Saying that martyrdom is a supreme value, MP Ganira Pashayeva in her speech underlined that every individual, particularly the young people should be aware of their responsibility for the sake of the country and be not only patriot, but also educated.

Noting the significant role of such social discussions in the direction of promoting patriotism among young people, chairman of Azerbaijan's Parliamentary Journalists Union Elshad Eyvazli spoke about the important commitment of young people in the service of the motherland and the people, noted that there is always a deep respect and attention for the martyr families.

At the end of the event the students received answers to their questions.
