

News 28 Nov 2019
ASOIU holds the next meeting of Academic Board

On November 27 the Academic Board of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held its next meeting.

Rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli first provided information about the issues on the agenda. He noted that today 4 issues will be discussed in the Academic Board and each issue is quite actual in terms of improving the quality of education and development of scientific activities at the university. According to the agenda, head of the ASOIU's Ph.D. Office Professor Latafat Gardashova a report on the status of doctoral education. She provided information about the number of the researchers and their academic activities by faculties, as well as the articles of ASOIU's scientists' included in the international scientific bases. The issues raised for discussion were approved by the board members.

At the meeting the Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Associate Professor Gafar Ismayilov made a report on the results of the 2018-2019 academic year, the quality indicators of the faculty specialties. Later on, Elnur Safarli, Director of the ASOIU's Department of Information Technology made a presentation on web-distance auditoriums, the state of the technical means applied in teaching and the work conducted in this direction. He underlined that 127 auditoriums have been brought into the form of the web-distance auditoriums in 2019. Of these, 62 are in the main and 65 are in the second building. E.Safarli spoke about the technical capabilities of the teacher's table built of 72 parts and placed in web-distance auditoriums,  provided information to the meeting attendees on the rules of using unibook in the auditorium, eliminating of the existing shortcomings in this direction and the innovations. During the meeting, head of the department of Foreign Languages-1, Associate Professor Farida Huseynova provided information about the report of the commission on the organization of teaching in English.

Then Professor Mustafa Babanli discussed the activity of the dissertation councils, the establishment of 3 new councils for thesis defense and other important issues on the agenda. Rector Mustafa Babanli gave instructions and recommendations on the implementation of the discussed issues. Rector Mustafa Babanli gave tasks and recommendations on the implementation of the discussed issues.

