

News 07 Dec 2019
ASOIU organizes “Open microphone”

"Open microphone" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 7.

Firstly, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the history of the Baku State University (BSU) which 100th anniversary was held recently and training of the qualified personnel in Azerbaijan. He recalled that, President Ilham Aliyev gave special message to young people in his speech at the event dedicated to the BSU's 100th anniversary and said that there is always a need for educated, skilled youth grew in the spirit of patriotism and stressed that the future of the country is depend on them.

Then, touching upon the quality of teaching and education at ASOIU, Rector Mustafa Babanli noted that preparation for the winter exam session is satisfactory. Students have mastered the program well during the session, due to that reason the results of the exam will be positive. However, students should not feel assured.

Stressing that the main purpose of the university is to provide knowledge to students, Rector M.Babanli familiarized them with the rules of examinations and provided information on changes and additions. He said that the appeal process regarding with the examination will be fully electronicized.

Rector M.Babanli also spoke on the issue of dual diploma. He noted that the agreements were signed with three foreign universities in this direction and negotiations with three other universities are coming to an end. The rector added that we need to focus on two issues: to improve English language teaching and to create opportunity for students to choose subject. That is, students will be able to choose some subjects besides the compulsory subjects.

Then the ASOIU's Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Prof Gasim Mammadov made a presentation on updating the teaching schedule starting from the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year.

After discussing a new teaching course at the university, presenting of student ID cards, and other important issues, Rector Mustafa Babanli traditionally answered students' questions and clarified clarified the issues of their interest.
