

News 10 Dec 2019
The 68th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students has kicked off at ASOIU

On December 9, the 68th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students dedicated to the 120th anniversary of prominent scientists Saleh Gojayev has started at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, associate professor, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, stressed  the significance of the 67th Student Scientific-Technical Conference for students in order to reveal the youth's scientific potential and underlined the importance of students' participation in such conferences. Speaking about the conditions created for the involving of students in research works at the university, G.Mammadov highly appreciated  the students' spending their leisure time on scientific research and wished success to all participants.

Making a speech about the history of ASOIU, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering of ASOIU Tahir Suleymanov, made a presentation about the life and activity of the prominent scientist S. Gojayev.

At the end,  announcing the history of panel sessions on the conference sections, head of the Board of Student Scientific Society of ASOIU Elviz Ismayilov said that about 300 speakers were selected for the conference. Noting that this year the majority of speakers are the master's students in comparison with the last year, E. Ismayilov highlighted that, 211 of them are master's and 89 are bachelor students.

Attending the different sections, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli listened to the students' speeches and made his suggestion and comments.

Notably, the closing ceremony of the 68th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students will be held on December 16.

