

News 25 Dec 2019
Rector of ASOIU meets with Vietnamese representatives

On December 24, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with a delegation from Vietnam National Television.

The rector M. Babanli spoke about the close ties between Vietnam and the AzII and the Vietnamese students studying here. Noting that up to 3,000 Vietnamese students have studied at the university so far, Rector Babanli said that currently there are 102 bachelors, 4 master's and 30 doctoral Vietnamese students studying at ASOIU. Speaking about the works to be carried out and the new projects within the 100th anniversary of ASOIU, rector emphasized that Vietnamese students and graduates will also be invited to these projects.

Expressing his gratitude to the Rector Mustafa Babanli for the warm welcome the director of Vietnam National Television Nguayen Hoang Long underlined that that the university played a key role in establishing friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Vietnam. Saying that currently there are hundreds of AzII graduates in Vietnam, Nguyen Hoang Long highlighted that most of them hold high positions in Vietnam. Noting that a feature film was shot about Azerbaijan, the Vietnamese director said that the shootings will firstly start from ASOIU.

At the end, the representatives of the Vietnamese television interviewed the Rector M. Babanli and visited the History Museum of the university.
